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Smithing Failure Chance


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I would love to see a mod in skyrim that change the smithing system a little bit, like you want to smith something and there you see beside the item name you want to smith a % chance how your chances are to actually get the item while smithing it because in real life not allways will your "item will be super fine it can breake in the process of making it so i wish a mod that makes the smithing can become a failure and then you dont get your item and still lose the materials, but also it would be nice if you can smith everything in the game but you get different chances to success like


Smithing level 20 - basic Iron Armor 90% chance

Smithing level 20 - Steel Armor 75% chance


Smithing level 20 - Deadric Armor 5% chance



and anyhow there should be a support for other mods (Armor / Weapon mods)

it also would be cool if there was some sort of item like a potion wich higher your chances by a fair amount, like Smithing level / 2


i hope i could deliver my idea to you and i really hope anyone can create such a cool mod :D


And please do it for Special Edition

Edited by Pickelsturn
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