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Ppl attacking me


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Seems it's problem's galore week for me atm. Hopefully this is the last one.


I thought i'd start another char to try a diff race, etc. Of course you don't start out with much so i thought i'd raid the Seyda Neen Warehouse to see if there's anything worth much in there.

I got in there fine, nobody spotted me, i taunted the guard inside to attack me, looted to my hearts content(the lady on the upper floor didn't see me do anything).


Finally, onto the problem: I went outside to go sell my loot and although i have 0 bounty on my head, and nobody reported me, the guards in Seyda Neen keep attacking me.


Why are they attacking me when nobody saw me and i have no bounty?

I have no calm creature spell so i can't stop them either.



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I seem to remember a similar topic to this from a few months back, but a couple of different searchs turned up nothing. At any rate, is your character an orc by chance? Since they aren't well liked, I seem to remember something along the lines about doing simple things that pushed the agro on them over the hump, but senility could be setting in as well on my part.......
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Nope, she's a Bosmer.


I just figured that they must have seen me go into the door. It didn't say antyhing about my crime being reported but oh well.

I made a bundle on the guard's loot anyway.


I seem to have found a few bugs with guards in seyda neen, lol. I was training my sneak skill on some people, and they spotted me and started running round like madmen screaming 'thief! thief!'.

When they finally stopped running round i went over to talk to them and they attacked me. Despite the 'if you are attacked first it's ok' law, when i killed him I got arrested for it!!

So much for that law eh <_<

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I'm the top guy in the imperial cult, forget the right name for it at the mo, but I stopped by ebonheart recently to restore some attributes at the alter, and not paying attention, I grabbed the candlestick sitting there. Everyone attacked me. Funny how quick they want to take you down when you are on top...heh. They didn't even give me a chance to pay for it. Tough society. I just reloaded, as I had a few minute old save...... Funny that I can kill guards to my hearts content and just have to pay a fine, but steal a candlestick and your marked for death. Besides I'm the boss, can't I pretty much just take what I want anyway? Sheesh.
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