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LordTerramine - BANNED

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LordTerramine banned.





Multiple accounts.


Also banned: TerramineLightvoid


User attempted to circumvent formal warning restrictions by use of an older account they possessed.

Warning was issued to the secondary account for abusive posts and repeated use of profanity on the forums.



One account per person

Members are only allowed to be in possession of one account on the site. Members caught using more than one account will be regarded as attempting to exploit or circumvent features on the site and will have both their accounts banned. If you are experiencing problems with your account please contact the admins using the Contact Us links on the sites and we'll work to resolve the issue for you.


Do not flame or flame-bait others

Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people (examples include calling someone an "idiot" for having views different to your own or being particularly demeaning to someone who is younger than yourself).



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