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New Race Hands


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Made a new race, and this doesn't make any sense - when I tested out my race, every body part was fine. I saved with that race, went back to TES CS, and tweaked some attributes - didn't touch the models. Now, whenever I create a new character of my race, the hands in 1st person have become invisible, but when I load my older character of the same race, the hands are fine. I've tried using different models for the 1st person hands, and they're always invisible when I create a new character, but not when I load up an old character (of my custom race).


Any ideas on what might be causing this anomoly?

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  • 2 weeks later...




when i made my character the same thing happened after a few hours of thinking and error messeges i thought of something and it seemed to work.


Well what i did is for hands was have 3 different sets for it


Number1: under hands section created a body part : brenton_m_skins. but call it wat ever the file is called i think its N_Brenton_M_skins but put .1st at end so its N_brenton_skins.1st



Number2: Created a body part under hands section using the file N_brenton_hands1st


Number3:created a body part under hands section using file N_Brenton_M_skins

(Dont put .1st at end)


Hope this helps

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