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Requesting some Gag mods for Arrows


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Hi there!


Sadly, i'm not all that proficient to make proper mods. At least not anything that couldn't be surpassed right away... so i hope you guys don't mind one more beggar...


There are a few Mods i've looked around and couldn't find, i was hoping someone could work on these if it's not much trouble... these are just special Arrows, just for fun and lolz, and also because i feel there are very few mods that enhances the life of a Skyrim Archer.


- Lightsaber Arrow


That's right. Not a Lightsaber sword (although that would be fun to play around with...) but an Arrow. Basically, a Lightsaber Hilt, and the Glowing shaft of the beam... sure, it's not lore friendly, and it looks silly, but it's fun. Also, the idea of impaling a Mark from across the map with a Lightsaber is just too fun. Specially if the shooting sound could be replaced for the lightsaber "Swoosh"


- Nature's Mark.


I know people can connect special effects to arrows, we have magic arrows now... but, can you connect other things to it? Like a Tree, Flowers, a Patch of grass...? I think it would just look cool to kill a Target with an Arrow and when it hits the ground, a Tree pops up or some grass on the Floor or some of the more colorful flowers (blood roses?). Kinda of "Return to Nature" feel...


- Chicken Arrow


I'm talking about this:



- Actor Arrow


Basically, where the Arrow hits, Spawns a creature. My first thought is "Bear!" but could be anything really. Extra points if there is a Pokeball at the tip of the Arrow (no capture system needed, really)


- Rainbow Arrow


Regular magical arrow that leaves a long, visible, rainbow trail when shot.


And finally, the one i think it's the hardest to make, probably... the Grappling Hook arrow.


In essence, a arrow shot with a Big Lenght of rope connecting it to the Bow. When it hits the mark, it drags the Shooter to it, fast.


If anyone dares to tackle these, i would thank you very much

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