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Learning Unique Enchantments


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Seriously, why hasn't anyone made a simple mod that lets you learn unique enchantments? Now, items like the Bloodskaal blade I can understand not being disenchant-able, as they have an aesthetic to them that fits the enchantment, but other items like "The Glass Bow of the Stag Prince" are just generic items with interesting properties.


While I'm no modder, I know it has to be somewhat easy to just unlock those enchantments or just re-create them.


Like, we've got massive enchanting overhauls, and yet we still can't use all the vanilla enchantments? Boo.

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Some items like Bloodskaal Blade have complex unique scripts that will only workwith the unique item. As far as some items and such that have unique enchantments that don't require unique scripts the process is pretty simple in that you would modify the unique weapon to make it disenchantable and also verify that the enchantment on the item corresponds to a particular item slot (weapon, helm, armor, boots, gloves, or jewelry) that way once you have disenchanted the unique item you can then apply the enchantment onto a new item.
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