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Shadow's Mod Ideas!


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Hey I'm Shadow and I have several mod ideas, unfortunately I do not know how to create mods (going to learn sometime). Note I don't claim to be the first to come up with these but I definitely did not copy any one purposely.


Anyways, here are my ideas:


-- Dwemer Grinder: Basically a new crafting station, about the size of an alchemy lab. It would look clearly dwemer themed and would use steam to move the grinder, capable of grinding anything you need like mammoth or horker tusks, or bones into bonemeal!. Or rock salt, harvested on sea shores, when grinding it yields 2 salt pile (from each rock salt). The Grinder would have a forge and a boiler (filled with water) and a small steam gauge. This could introduce several new alchemy ingredients, solids that need to be turned to powder.


-- Crossbows: I know this is very common and clearly hard to create (at the moment) but how i feel it should be; have more damage than bows but takes longer to cock (load a new bolt), at the end having the same DPS but it should have more range.


-- Farming Livestock: It would be great to have some livestock (Cows, Chickens, Rabbits, Pheasants) with your farm (already existing mod), you could even grow exotic animals like wolves or spiders.


-- More Spiders: I hate spiders, but it annoys me that there is Frostbite Spiders everywhere, i think Frostbite Spiders should only appear in the icy areas of Skyrim, and have different types of spiders for each habitat. Marsh/Swamp Spiders, Cave Spiders, Spiders... Each spider's poison having a different effect (but still similar to the other spider's poison).


-- Busier Roads: If you're like me then you find the roads of Skyrim to be deserted and completely boring! I was thinking it would be nice for there to be many more spawns on the roads. Simple merchants with their cart and maybe a guard or two. Many more Thalmor groups roaming from point A to B, and not always with prisoners. Same with Imperial and Stormcloack troops, there could even be small battles between these two factions, of up to 10 vs 10. Bandits trying to raid you or merchant carts. Men on horseback. Small temporary camps set up (especially at night) for all these different travelers (merchants, Thalmor, Imperials, Stormcloacks, Bandits, etc). There are so many options and it would make Skyrim much more fun in my opinion


-- Nahfahlaar's Bow: A magical Artifact created by the Dragon called Nahfahlaar as a gift to one of his loyal allies, his name is unknown, for protecting him from the Dragonguard. Also known as Krein/Shul Bow (Krein/Shul meaning Sun in Dragon Language). The magical bow was made of gold and creates arrows made from pure sunlight, these arrows travel extremely fast and in a perfect straight line but the maximum distance they can travel and power is compromised by the amount of energy in the arrow. The bow would be introduced into the game by a relatively hard and lengthy quest but yielding the games strongest bow (not to the point where it is overpowered). It would use no arrows and have no quiver, as it generates them when the bow string is pulled (like the Epirus Bow from the movie Immortals) and it would shoot in the exact same way, with the arrows looking the same but the bow looking completely different (I don't like hoe the Epirus Bow looks). The arrows have no parabola-like trajectory, instead it is a perfect straight line however the range of it depends on how strong you pull the bow, the arrows will simply disintegrate when their maximum range is reached or after 5 seconds. The bow would have some special abilities, apart from a much stronger knock-back then the other bows, it would have a small chance (increasing if the target is closer) to cause a low powered Unrelenting Force effect with golden particles (as supposed to blue) and at all times a 5% chance where the arrows releases all it's energy at once, insta-killing the target and turning them to ashes, with the arrows instantly disappearing (regardless of the targets current health). I have a lot of ideas in mind for this bow if any one like the idea and is up for it, it will require new meshes, animations, sounds and quest scripting, as well as a way to be able to use arrows that don't exist, not like the Bound Bow which creates a quiver and bound arrows.


-- More to come!


Let me know what you think of these. Come back every so often and check to see if i have added more stuff :)

Edited by ShadowPWNSyou
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If someone could make the textures for the grinder i Would be able to make that one


I can't do textures, but we could help each other to find someone who can? In my head the grinder would have a couple of parts always moving and some steam coming out of it. You think you could do that?

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the Dwemer textures from the game would be good enough for a beta version of the grinder


I was thinking about a lore friendly crossbow and thought that one could be crafted from 2 gears, 2 small levers, 2 medium levers and 4 of the small scrap decorative struts to build something like the one the dwemer spheres have



maybe even have it as a repeater xbow but limit it to only use dwemer arrows or special darts that have to be crafted from dwemer ingots


Edited by mighty zog
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the Dwemer textures from the game would be good enough for a beta version of the grinder


I was thinking about a lore friendly crossbow and thought that one could be crafted from 2 gears, 2 small levers, 2 medium levers and 4 of the small scrap decorative struts to build something like the one the dwemer spheres have



maybe even have it as a repeater xbow but limit it to only use dwemer arrows or special darts that have to be crafted from dwemer ingots



See that would be a great idea but it is something very requested and so far i don't think anyone has made a crossbow, any idea why? Do you think you could make one?

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I couldn't make one, but I saw lots of requests and remembered seeing the Dwemer spheres using them.

I think they fire a short dart rather than an arrow.


I was sort of hoping that Mikaelarp might be interested in having a go at it once he finishes the grinder

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