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How to access MGEF duration from within an ActiveMagicEffect script

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I have a working script that allows a healing ability to cast a limb restore spell on a timer. It works without issue, that's not the problem. Currently I have the timer set to use Float Property Frequency, but I would like to use the duration I set in the ability editor instead. Thing is, I have no idea how to access that value. Documentation for Fallout is severely lacking, but the closest thing skyrim docs have is some flag settings for MagicEffect that seem to be more binary compare then value storage. GetBaseObject().GetDuration() also doesn't exist.

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If you can't access and manipulate this value through Papyrus, you may consider using an array (and make your effect of script archetype), make multiple copies of your effect with different durations, and use an Integer value to say, set a "level" of your effect (which will correlate to array member) and then apply it from the script as you were.

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