Tasheni Posted June 28, 2018 Share Posted June 28, 2018 (edited) Tell me your thoughts about it or better, try the mod and tell me after that how it works :smile: Tasheni Follower's User ManualTasheni Followers own their own unique concept of acting and allow the player tohave partially an influence on their behaviour. My intend was to getthem easily managed ingame without using configurable menues, which Ipersonally find very unnatural and gamebreaking despite some features can't take place without them in other great mods.They are meant to act as a group together and assist the player in his/hers adventures. I avoided scripts as much as possible to achieve this. Script fragmentsare mainly used for standards like open inventory, to change thevalue of global variables, evaluate package stack, start some scenesor increase a quest stage. I tried to use mainly things that arealready there. Important scripts are the followers main dialogue questscripts, the playermonitor script for mounting and the script forVala's control ring.So while this is a followers mod and not a quest mod I started toimplement three short quests mainly to introduce actors that willplay a role in later chapters. Each follower has it's own past andfuture and needs to deal with it through quests that are notdeveloped right now and not implemented. It's a part for the future.This manual will help you to get the most out of them.Dialogue menu:There are two tiers of dialogue: Player dialogue will show up once alwaysat the first tier. Behind the line „I have orders“ or „can wehave a word“ or similar are the controls like „wait here“ orwait and look around“, open inventory, favours, etc.This concept allows you to see immediately if new dialogue is availablewithout scrolling through the whole dialogue menu.I used hellos and blocking topics very sparsely, because hellos areannoying if you want to reach the orders menu and blocking topicsoften cut off the dialogue. So you need to click on them to see ifnew dialogue is available. I'm not very satisfied with it and willtry to find a better solution.Wait and dismiss:There's no time limitation when you let the followers or the player horsewait somewhere, they will wait forever if you forget them. But if youdismiss them, you can't recruit them again. It's safe to let themstay somewhere if you decide to go alone or with other followers.Dismiss and recruiting again would need to implement other dialogueand you never know what the player has done meanwhile and I don'twant to repeat the dialogue lines like there had nothing happened.This may change in the future but is not on top of my todo list. Idon't know how much I can stress my voice actors as they have a fulldaily timetable.If you dismiss the followers they go back to their daily routines,their quests stop and the summon spells will be removed andyou can't recruit them again.Actor behaviour:Sandbox packages:I focused a lot on actor behaviour as it expresses living, aware peopleand not just marionettes. But it must be contollable to a certainpoint by the player.Followers will automatically go sandboxing if you are in taverns, stores,temples, partially farms and player homes.They start sandboxing if you tell them to wait and relax or look around.They start sandboxing if you sit, lean or lay down somewhere or use acrafting table.And they start sandboxing if you unequip your weapons and spells becausethey think it's freetime.For the first three scenarios they end sandboxing if you change yourstate or leave the home, store, tavern, etc.The latter is special: It allows you to let them sandbox everywhere you like.That's a great feature if you play in worldspaces where theappropriate keyword that is needed for sandbox conditions does notexist, in the wilderness or in new worldspaces.And this sandbox triggers scenes, that play otherwise only at certainplaces in Skyrim, mostly in taverns or playerhomes.This sandbox is stopped if you equip weapons or spells. If they play idleanimations at this time it will take a moment until the gamerecognizes the change. But it works like a charm. Sometimes you canimprove this by just drawing your fists or weapon or spell to trigger the follow package.What is it also good for:It's not really clever to take all six followers into each house. If youwant to go inside somewhere without them, just unequip weapons andspells what can be easily be done through a shortcut. They will staywhere they are and you have them out of the way. So you need not togo through the dialogue menu to ask them to wait. Of course it willnot make sense if you need to go inside a cave or dungeon, becauseyou will need your weapons there.Tip:Let some of them wait at a point you use as a base for undertakingsand take only two or three with you if you need to crawl throughtight areas. You can use the summon spells to summon the other onesif you decide not to go back there. So you have a control over whatfighting power you need for a certain task or if you do it betteralone or with only little help. If a quest prevent followers tofollow into a certain cell you can summon them, if you need theirhelp.Riding:I included a script that let the followers mount and dismount very fastif player mounts or unmounts. The horses are teleported to theirowner for mounting. Sometimes fast mounting works not for all of thembut at least for four – can't say why that is, perhaps because ofmy weak machine or a bug in the game engine. But don't worry aboutit: Don't wait, just ride away. They will mount and catch up. Especially ifyou ask Ramgar to lead you to a certain location you should not wait foryour followers to mount, because Ramgar will leave very fast in most cases and not wait for you.Playerhorse:Vala is to a certain point an intelligent acting horse. Her control ringis a left hand ring so you can equip other rings together with it. Ifyou put it on a key, you can easily switch between her state: Eithera companion you can talk to and who will fight with you, or a horseyou can ride. In the companion state, you can let her wait somewhere,as long as you whish. In my testings she will then not teleport withyou if you fast travel. As a horse she follows you, she runs away ifit comes to fighting and will follow you again after that so you neednot to search for her or summon her.Vala has her own inventory you can reach if she's in companion state.There's no limit I know of for carrying stuff and it is safe to use.Followerhorses:They follow their owner, as long as player rides another horse than Vala.If they don't, tell the follower to call it. You can tell thefollowers to send their horse away, they vanish immediately – it'sa little bit sudden and will be improved in the future but this isnot on top of my todo list. If you want the horses to follow theirowner, you can ask them to summon them.If player uses Vala as a player horse, the follower horses follow Valaand not their owner. With the exception you have told the followersto send their horses away. Then they run away immediately after beingteleported and followers have a hard time to mount.If you are at a place you won't let the horses follow, just dismount,use the ring to change Vala into a companion andtell Vala to wait. All horses will wait near Vala and sandbox.Why following Vala and not their owners:If it comes to a fight and you hop off the horse, Vala takes all horsesout of the way. If it comes to a fight and your followers are fasterthen you, they hop off their mounts while you stay in the saddle, thehorses don't run away and followers can easily mount again afterkilling the enemies. Otherwise horses would stoop away and it wouldtake more time to catch them again or would need another script toteleport horses again – this solution is far better. This way itworks only with Vala!Looting(experimental):I tested a lot of variations that prevents the followers from properlyfollowing and didn't satisfy me. At least I decided to use dialoguefor allowing the followers to loot. It's only available if you talkto Chiomara right now, because there was no time to go further. Ifyou tell her she's allowed to loot, ALL followers will loot, each ofthem different things. It will happen at clearable locations. Theystop looting immediately if you draw your weapon or start sneaking or running!and will catch up to you. So if you don't like that they wander off,you can simply move with a drawn weapon or spell, sneak, or tellChiomara to stop looting.Weapons:Ruby and Tom have their own special weapons. You can give them others thanthese and if they have more power, they will use it. They will alsouse staffs, if they have looted some. But they are meant to use theirown unique weapons. Because these weapons tell a story that willslowly be uncovered through dialogue ( the beginning isachievable in version 0-4-0), they simply belong to them. They are partof her background and questlines so you should not take them out oftheir inventory, that would be immersion breaking. I forgot to setthem to not being playable. In future I will make a recipe so you can craftthem at the forge. I also need to find a solution to prevent Ruby,Tom and Ramgar from using staffs. Just take out of their inventory what you don't like to be used by them.Wardrobe:I decided against an implementation of a wardrobe system. I do not eventell my spouse what to wear, and I did not create fashion dolls. Whatabout stronger armor? The armor that come with them should be strongenough for most situations. I have no idea how this works in higherlevels because I never played higher levels. But they are essential,so what?You can give them stronger armor but they wear it over their own andclipping will occur.They change clothes automatically at player homes, three times a week. Ifyou go out they switch back to armor. I experienced issues, sometimesa mesh didn't show up at player home. This can be fixed mostly withgoing out and in again, or summon them through their spell or go tosleep until next day. Switching to armor always works! I guess thatthe sandbox package prevent sometimes the script to run smooth forall. A timer could resolve this, I will experiment with it.Sandbox packages:I tried to support natural behaviour and doing actions while sandboxingthat fits for the character. Unfortunately animations are poorlysupported with this game engine and they are very limited if it shouldmake sense. I put a lot of usable animations into the sandboxpackages, but that causes very weird behaviour and I noticed that thegame picks only two of them instead of five or six randomly actions,with or without timer, that made no difference. So I decided to useonly two idle animations for each package. At most locations thereare also idle markers that will be used by them, so I have to besatisfied with it.Banter scenes:I decided to use the Story Manager to trigger scenes instead oftriggering all through scripts. Banter scenes play mostly at playerhomes or in taverns. Some scenes are playing in Whiterun: Eldridinteracts with the inhabitants before you recruit her. Sometimes more than one scene will play at once, so you may have problems tounderstand what they say. But it's natural behaviour that peopletogether just talk and not wait for all others to be quiet. I'm notdone with it yet and will think for a better solution.Scenes will repeat all 24 hours ( that's the most time distance you can givethem). I tried to spread them to different locations so you need totravel to the taverns in Skyrim or go into player homes if you wantto hear all. Some are repeated at more than one location and someplay while travelling.The intro scene between Chiomara and Tom plays after he's saying„alright“ and you don't know why he's doing this. If the scenestarts, wait until it's finished. They have packages to go in frontof each other and will not follow you until it's finished. This scenewill play only once – so you might want to hear it.You can stop each scene if you talk to one of the involved actors.Unfortunately that happens also if you bump into the actor.If you unequip your weapons and spells, you can force a lot of thescenes to play again. It may take a little time until they startand I experienced that sometimes nothing happens but suddenly a scenestarts after you have left the cell. I guess that happens becausemost of the scenes are change location events and fire if you changethe cell. Sometimes a lot of scenes starts one after another.This is a nice feature if you are camping in thewilderness somewhere or play in new worldspaces.Romancing and marriage:True heroes have no spouse! Same goes for adopting children. Well,romancing, marriage and adopt children for me is the most boringthing that Skyrim has to offer. I tried it once with another modinstalled that advances marriage and I looked at vanilla stuff viavideo. It feels like playing Sims. My followers are not marriable.This is a thing I want to use very carefully. So you will feel morefamiliar with Eldrid or Chiomara when dialogue advances. Could be aslightly shift to romance. But for now they will stay friends andonly friends. Maybe that I will advance this in future, but I do notknow how much time I can put into the mod and I prefer to advance thequestlines rather than to merry one of my followers. Despite myfollowers have of course families that play later on partially a role(not necessary becoming ingame actors) they have now a new family:Themselves and you, if you like.Troubleshooting:First and most important thing: Fast travel, waiting for many hours(I guess more than eight) will break the timetable of the AI. And don'tteleport if you have the horses with you! They follow you everywhere!If followers don't show up in Whiterun before you have recruited them,leave the cell and go back again, than they should be there.They have a daily schedule at different locations, partially outside Whiterun, so search for them.If followers don't follow draw fists, spells or weapons, they should catch up immediately.If that doesn't help, what happens rarely and mostly if the buggednavmesh prevent them from following you properly, summon them.If followers start fighting against each other, just ignore it. Mostly it occursif Chiomara uses her fireball spells and hits another follower.If it annoys you too much, disable the followerwho's aggressing and enable him again. They should stop if you changethe cell. They can't hurt each other too much because they areessential.This is a widely known bug in game and I did a lot to prevent thatbehaviour. It occurs very rarely.Followers don't appear after fast travel:An animation or sandbox package prevent them from being teleported. Waitthree hours or summon them. Or go inside a dungeon and start fighting– they should appear and help you. If that doesn't help, summonthem.Quest giver:Rikja the Huntress will find you and offer two options: Go hunting with her or lead to Ramgar of Stony Creek if he's not already recruited.If you decide first to go to Hunter's Rest, Rikja will leave after you are there. You can follow her and speak to her again (click again, if she only greets you). Then the Hunting Quest will be available.If you decide to hunt first, she asks you after finishing if she should lead you to Ramgar. So you can do both quests either way.Rikja has a mapmarker so you can follow her easily. During the Hunting Quest Skjora is leading - and hunting at the same time. You can try to be faster than her with a bow and gather a lot of pelts.[\spoiler]Talk to Raganhar of Stony Creek, he will give you a short quest. Edited June 28, 2018 by Tasheni Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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