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Butterfly/Insect displays


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I want to play a sort of naturalist/alchemist/mage character that collects and studies plants, insects, etc. So I had an idea for some basic decorations that would spice up some of the player homes.


If some one could make display cases that contain all of the butterfly and other insect types that would be awesome. I thinking like a classic pinned bug display (google image search for plenty of examples) that could be added to existing player homes. New displays could be created, or the existing display cases could probably be used, just enable players to pick up and place entire bugs (instead of just their wings as in vanilla).


New display models could even be based off of this mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10216) where you can pick up and place these new items in existing homes (instead of a mod that creates fixed additions to homes).


I would also love to see a player home (or a revamp of the arch mage's quarters) that plays on the theme of a nature researcher type mage. It could be full of these displays, alchemy gardens, troll skulls, scrolls, book shelves, and so on.


I don't know a thing about modding so I would really love to see something of this sort put together. Thanks

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