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What order do I install XP32, FNIS and such?


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This is a fresh install and I just need to know what order to install things so it works properly. I've asked before, got no answer and the author of FNIS was being a pos with a huge ego.


I'm not sure exactly which mods I will use, so I just need a format or guideline for installation.


Like FNIS, XP32, HDT then the animations desired, then update FNIS for example.


No idea if that's actually correct or way off.


Any help if appreciated, thank you.




I have already tried looking for videos, forums and everything else for an answer, but found nothing.

Edited by GoddessofDiscord
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As far as HDT, XP32 skeleton, and FNIS behavior goes - it generally doesn't matter what order they are installed in. They don't overwrite each other or use the same files, so any order is good for those three. (But personally I am using the order of HDT, FNIS, XP32).


Be sure to install animations after the skeleton, as some animations may overwrite some skeleton files. Always run the FNIS generator last and after installing any new animations.


If you want to use Realistic Ragdolls and Force, install that before XP32 skeleton. Both mods install skeleton files, but XP32 is much more up to date.

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  • 9 months later...

As far as HDT, XP32 skeleton, and FNIS behavior goes - it generally doesn't matter what order they are installed in. They don't overwrite each other or use the same files, so any order is good for those three. (But personally I am using the order of HDT, FNIS, XP32).


Be sure to install animations after the skeleton, as some animations may overwrite some skeleton files. Always run the FNIS generator last and after installing any new animations.


If you want to use Realistic Ragdolls and Force, install that before XP32 skeleton. Both mods install skeleton files, but XP32 is much more up to date.


so it is advisable to install animation after xp32 skeleton ?


also you didnt talk about cpb body ass and tittie physics, bodyslide and cbbe body mod along with armor replacers in load order


and lastly where the hell does the FNIS mod placed in load order as well

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