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I need some advices on Mods that are safe to merge!


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I am modding Skyrim Special Edition. I had 440 plugins, but have merged a lot of plugins and are down to 313 active. I followed Nordic Skyrim moddig guide... well, it's a lot of good mods out there =). I have used Batched patch to merge some of the mods.

I have also merged:

all weapon mods,
all armor mods (without leveled lists),
all SOS patches (Sound of Skyrim),
all PCE patches (Palaces Castles Enhanced),
all DBM patches (Legacy of the Dragonborn),
all JK Skyrim patches...

I avoided merging plugins if I received a warning message, for example, PCE - Skyrim Sewers Patch.esp

No patches are missing and every plugin has it's masters, even though they are nor present in the list of plugins bellow they are present!

Which plugins is it safe to merge?
Have you got any suggestions for mods I should get rid of and why you think so?

I really hope that I can get some help. I have worked with this mod list for a month...! Yes, I am a nerd =)

All Plugins That Isn't Merged yet:



LoadOrder Plugins
1 Skyrim.esm
2 Update.esm
3 Dawnguard.esm
4 HearthFires.esm
5 Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
6 Dragonborn.esm
7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
8 BSAssets.esm
9 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm
10 BSHeartland.esm
11 Sneak Tools.esp
12 arnima.esm
13 BS_DLC_patch.esp
14 Campfire.esm
15 Falskaar.esm
16 Gray Fox Cowl.esm
17 Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm
18 OdemsAdvCraft.esm
19 RSkyrimChildren.esm
20 ApachiiHair.esm
21 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
22 Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp
23 Distinct Interiors.esp
24 ELFX - Exteriors.esp
25 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp
26 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp
27 Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp
28 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp
29 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp
30 Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul.esp
31 Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp
32 Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
33 JKs Skyrim.esp
34 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
35 Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp
36 ImprovedRoads.esp
37 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
38 Winterhold Restored.esp
39 WhiterunValley.esp
40 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
41 SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp
42 Enhanced Landscapes Standalone Marsh Pines.esp
43 Cutting Room Floor.esp
44 icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp
45 SkyUI_SE.esp
46 iHUD.esp
47 SkyHUD.esp
48 SkyHUD - iHUD Patch.esp
49 AHZmoreHUD.esp
50 AMatterOfTime.esp
51 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
52 DeadlyCombat.esp
53 DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp
54 TerrainLodRedone.esp
55 KS Hairdo's.esp
56 STAC.esp
57 DustEffectsSSE.esp
58 Footprints.esp
59 Skyrim Reborn - Whiterun Hold.esp
60 Obsidian Weathers.esp
61 Immersive Weapons.esp
62 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
63 DivinePeopleOfSkyrim.esp
64 Tel_Nalta.esp
65 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
66 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
67 SFCO - LotD Patch.esp
68 Blues Skyrim.esp
69 Forgotten DungeonsSSE.esp
70 Helgen Reborn.esp
71 EconomyOverhaulandSpeechcraftImprovements.esp
72 TorchesCastShadows.esp
73 Eli_Breezehome.esp
75 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
76 Beards.esp
77 WondersofWeather.esp
78 AbsorbDragonSoulsTALENT.esp
79 AllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.esp
80 SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp
81 RDO - iAFT Patch.esp
82 Better Claws And Gauntlets.esp
83 Better Dynamic Snow.esp
84 My Home Is Your Home.esp
85 Apophysis_DPM_SE.esp
86 LostGrimoire.esp
87 Thief skills rebalance for Ordinator.esp
88 beltfastenedquivers.esp
89 Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.esp
90 CollectBearTraps.esp
91 DragonRemains_SSE.esp
92 CharacterMakingExtender.esp
93 FNIS.esp
94 illy's HQ Fire Audio.esp
95 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
96 mintylightningmod.esp
97 MannequinDesigns.esp
98 MannequinStayPut.esp
99 PassiveWeaponEnchantmentRecharging.esp
100 Player Blink Fix.esp
101 QuickLight.esp
102 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
103 HagravenSkinShaders.esp
104 SimplyKnock.esp
105 TKDodge.esp
106 Tundra Quagmire.esp
107 VioLens SE.esp
108 XPMSE.esp
109 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
110 OBIS SE.esp
111 ELFXEnhancer.esp
112 QaxeQuestorium.esp
113 Ashbound.esp
114 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp
115 BirdsOfSkyrim_SSE.esp
116 CWIELnFXSEPatch.esp
117 Man Those Borders!.esp
118 Inns and Taverns.esp
119 Ambriel.esp
120 BetterDocks-MP-DLC-Compatible.esp
121 Merged SOS Patches.esp
122 TrueStormsSE.esp
123 T'Skyrim Riverwood.esp
124 Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp
125 GrandPaladinSE.esp
126 MoonAndStar_MAS.esp
127 Undeath.esp
128 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
129 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
130 moonpath.esp
131 JRMoonpathtoElsweyrPatch.esp
132 Windhelm Bridge Overhaul.esp
133 The Ruins.esp
134 Holidays.esp
135 Merged PCE Patches.esp
136 mrbs-uniqueloot-se.esp
137 OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE AIO.esp
138 Point The Way.esp
139 Tes Arena NorthKeep.esp
140 Tes Pagran Village.esp
141 Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
142 More idle markers.esp
143 Rorikstead.esp
144 Laundry.esp
145 BetterQuestObjectives.esp
146 TheChoiceIsYours.esp
147 Solitude Docks.esp
148 SkyrimSewers.esp
149 Tes Arena Nimalten.esp
150 Karthwasten - Let The Silver Flow.esp
151 WRV - Cutting Room Floor Patch - 1.42b.esp
152 BirdsAndFlocks_SSE.esp
153 Dwarfsphere.esp
154 Northern Bathhouses.esp
155 Run For Your Lives.esp
156 Tel Mithryn.esp
157 MergedWeaponsPlugins.esp
158 Inigo.esp
159 vikingmeadhall.esp
160 Populated Forts Towers Places Legendary.esp
161 TES Arena Amol.esp
162 Darkwater Crossing.esp
163 Dawnstar.esp
164 fallentreebridgesSSE.esp
165 OutlawsRefuges.esp
166 HammetDungeons.esp
167 UniqueBorderGates-All.esp
168 Improved Roads USSEP.esp
169 TacticalValtheim.esp
170 Gavrostead.esp
171 Immersive Wenches.esp
172 SFCO - Castle Volkihar Rebuilt Patch.esp
173 UniqueBorderGates - No Pale Pass Gate.esp
174 EmbersHD.esp
175 Bring Out Your Dead.esp
176 Ars Metallica.esp
177 SFCO - CRF Patch.esp
178 Skysan_ELFX_SMIM_Fix.esp
179 ScopedBows.esp
180 Bijin AIO.esp
181 Immersive Patrols II.esp
182 TES DunstadGrove.esp
183 Solitude Exterior Addon.esp
184 flaho_shi_eagles_nest_ENG.esp
185 waterplants.esp
186 Solitude Skyway SE.esp
187 Frostfall.esp
188 Ivarstead.esp
189 SofiaFollower.esp
190 Vigilant.esp
191 EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp
192 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
193 ArmorMerged.esp
194 Better Docks_BOYD_Patch.esp
195 CandyShops.esp
196 OldHroldanRuins.esp
197 Crossroads Inn.esp
198 frozenintime.esp
199 CampNewZainab.esp
200 HillHouse.esp
201 Winterhold Restored - NSUTR Patch.esp
202 gonkishvampdens.esp
203 Storefront.esp
204 Northern Marsh Bridges SE.esp
205 Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp
206 simpleCarriageExpansion.esp
207 Rayeks_End_SSE_1.0.esp
208 Lupinus.esp
209 Windhelm Lighthouse.esp
210 HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp
211 ImprovedHearthfireLighting.esp
212 ImprovedFishBASIC.esp
213 Hubbies.esp
214 Convenient Horses.esp
215 Lush Falkreath.esp
216 KrittaKittyHorsesForSSE.esp
217 Dragon Bridge.esp
218 JK Merged Patches.esp
219 Blacksmith Forge Water Fix SE USSEP.esp
220 notice board.esp
221 RaceCompatibility.esp
222 ForgottenCity.esp
223 KeeperCarcetteSurvives.esp
224 CWIOOSEPatchAIO.esp
225 ApotheosisDemo.esp
226 PCE - Holidays Patch.esp
227 Halls Of Dovahndor SSE.esp
228 stonhenge + hilltops.esp
229 WildHerdsOfSkyrim.esp
230 JKs Whiterun exterior.esp
231 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
232 RealisticWaterTwo.esp
233 PCE - ELFXEnhancer Patch.esp
234 PCE - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch.esp
235 Undriel_Everlight.esp
236 PoP - Place of Power.esp
237 HoldBorderBanners.esp
238 Landscape Fixes For Grass mods - Cutting Room Floor Locations.esp
239 Map Markers Complete.esp
240 MHdunSky001.esp
241 MHufb001.esp
242 high hrothgar overhaul.esp
243 Landscape Fixes For Grass mods - Alternate start Locations.esp
244 Dawnguard&VolkiharArtifactsQuests.esp
245 Merged DBM Plugins.esp
246 SFCO - ELFX Patch.esp
247 ElementalArchery.esp
248 PCE - Skyrim Sewers Patch.esp
249 UniqueBorderGates-All-Warzones.esp
250 OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp
251 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp
252 BetterTreasuryHouse.esp
253 More_Saddles.esp
254 ElementalArrows.esp
255 WetandCold.esp
256 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
257 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
258 CL BarrelsCratesChests.esp
259 Mortal Enemies.esp
260 EconomyOverhaulandDawnofSkyrimPatch.esp
261 Distinct People.esp
262 Obsidian_TS_Patch_Luminous_WaterFix.esp
263 Audio Overhaul Skyrim - True Storms Patch.esp
264 Audio Overhaul Skyrim - Obsidian Weathers Patch.esp
265 Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
266 imp_helm_legend.esp
267 Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
268 Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
269 Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp
270 Bijin Warmaidens.esp
271 Gyot_NPCs.esp
272 Bijin NPCs.esp
273 Bijin Wives.esp
274 Better Claws And Gauntlets - Immersive Armors.esp
275 JRMoonpathBrumaPatch.esp
276 BottlesOfSkyrim.esp
277 RoyalDaedric.esp
278 DeadlyCombat_Ordinator_Patch.esp
279 Deadly Wenches.esp
280 EconomyOverhaulandOrdinatorPatch.esp
281 Ordinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.esp
282 Elemental_Staffs.esp
283 FireBurns.esp
284 CWICRFSEPatch.esp
285 Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
286 Eagle Legend Teleport Addon.esp
287 MTSE_Lupinus_Patch.esp
288 SkyrimSizesLore.esp
289 Skyrim Sizes.esp
290 MoonAndStar_ImmersionPatch.esp
291 sandboxcylinderheight.esp
292 OBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.esp
293 Optional Starting Spells.esp
294 Quest Conflict Fixes.esp
295 RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp
296 RDO - USSEP Patch.esp
297 Serana.esp
298 Valerica.esp
299 Skytest Immersive Creatures.esp
300 Vigilant Voiced.esp
301 Wildcat - Realistic Damage Plugin.esp
302 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp
303 Forge Water Fix - CRF Patch.esp
304 LustmordVampireArmor.esp
305 HarvestOverhaul_Redone_Creatures.esp
306 OdemsOnihime.esp
307 Animations.esp
308 SFCO - Alternate Start Patch.esp
309 RSChildren.esp
310 Toccata.esp
311 CailinFollower.esp
312 HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp
313 HOR_OrdinatorPatch.esp



All Mods:



#Mod_Priority #Mod_Name
286 2K Azura's Star
287 2K Imperial Tents Retexture
271 2K Retextured Mage Tables
272 2K Retextured Mage Tables Transparent
288 2k Retextured Ring Of hircine
289 2K Ring of Namira Retextured
290 2K Salts Retextured
291 2K Skeleton Key
292 4K Manhole by Pfuscher
65 6809 Enhanced Animat
66 83Willows - 1 Eye Open - Creepy Nightmother and Coffin HD Retextures
441 A dentist for Orsimers - HD teeth retexture
24 A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget
10 A Quality World Map
30 AbsorbDragonSoulsTALENT
491 Akavari Katana Reborn
17 All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently
15 Alternate Start - Live Another Life
27 Alternative SkyHUD Presets
446 Ambriel - The Lost Princess (Fully Voiced and Quest) SE
447 Ambriel Overhaul SSE
459 aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Armor
132 aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Creatures
460 aMidianBorn Book of Silence - DB
494 aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Unique Items
495 aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Weapons
461 aMidianBorn imperial light and studded
284 Ancient Dwemer Metal
105 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim
57 Animated Dwemer Lift Doors by DOUBLEBREWSKI
613 Animations
551 Apachii Divine Elegance Store
434 ApachiiSkyHair SSE
119 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
120 Apocalypse - Ordinator patch
552 Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks SE
95 Apotheosis - Lifeless Vaults
322 Archery Target Retexture
52 Arri's Snow Elf Ruins Retexture Special Edition
129 Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement
323 Arvak With or Without Flames - Color Packs - Special Edition
553 Ash Pile Retexture
216 Ashbound -- Solstheim Enhanced
554 Ashes and Flames - Spawn and Guardian Retex SE
223 Ashlander Camp New Zainab SSE
558 Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE
559 Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE - Enhanced Blood Texture
560 Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE - Immersive Water
561 Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE - Obsidian Weathers Patch
562 Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE - Realistic Water 2 Patch
563 Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE - True Storms Patch
492 Auriel's Bow HD
555 Auriel's Shield HD
428 Beards
131 Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack
138 Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack (SE)
567 Belt-Fastened Quivers
324 Better Bats
325 Better Bears
499 Better Bows SE
372 Better Claws and Gauntlets SSE
581 Better Dialogue Controls
239 Better Docks
241 Better Docks - Bring Out Your Dead Patch
168 Better dropping aspen leaves by Pfuscher
298 Better Dynamic Ash SE
297 Better Dynamic Snow
294 Better Honey Nut Treats
582 Better MessageBox Controls
176 Better Nirnroot - Hi-Res 2K Textures
568 better prisonerstuff (replacer)
212 Better Tel Mithryn
569 Better Treasury House
56 BetterFalmerCaveCeilingGlow
97 Beyond Reach
84 Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Moonpath to Elsweyr Synergy Patch
72 Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE
74 Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE DLC patch
427 Bijin NPCs SE
425 Bijin Warmaidens SE
426 Bijin Wives SE
141 Birds and Flocks SSE Edition
142 Birds of Skyrim SSE Edition
522 Bishu Osafune ju Morikage Katana and Tachi
502 Black Bow Of Fate Retexture
326 Blacksmith Forge Water Fix - Cutting Room Flooor
327 Blacksmith Forge Water Fix - Special Edition
544 BodySlide and Outfit Studio
403 Boiled Creme Treat Sweet Roll and Pies
419 Botox for Skyrim SSE
545 Bottles Of Skyrim (plus Realistic Needs and Diseases compatible)
312 Breezehome
546 Bridges - HD
401 Bring Out Your Dead
104 Bruma patch for Convenient Horses
73 Bruma Signs SMIM patch - SE
109 Burnt Wood
318 Business Ledger HD Retexture
449 Cailin FollowerSE
418 Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-
98 Campfire - Complete Camping System
100 Campfire and Frostfall - Unofficial SSE Update
247 Candy Shops of Skyrim
130 Carriage Stops of Skyrim
373 Castle Volkihar Rebuilt
374 CC's Castle Volkihar Reborn
285 CC's Enhanced Ore Veins SSE - 4K - 6.2
243 CC's Fort Dawnguard Reborn
270 CC's HQ Barset
231 CC's HQ Carts
310 CC's HQ Roadsigns SSE - AIO - 3.0
468 Celes Nightingale - DX Mini Armor Collection SSE
22 Celtic Music in Skyrim - SE
139 Chappers Demonic Alduin Mashup
570 check mods
276 CL's Barrels and Crates
182 Clay Deposits HD
571 Collect Bodies and Bear Traps
404 Consistent Older People
103 Convenient Horses
328 Corpse burned UHD
329 Covered Carriage - SE
181 Creep Cluster - 4k
375 Creepier Daedric Princes
9 Cutting Room Floor
603 D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly SSE
572 Daedra-tastic Rune Spells
462 Daedric Armor and Weapon Improvement
213 Darkwater Crossing
525 Dawn of Skyrim (Director's Cut) SE
463 Dawn of the Dawnguard Armor
18 Dawnguard and Clan Volkihar Epilogues
242 Dawnguard Fortress Improved
48 Dawnguard Landscape Overhaul HD
573 Dawnguard Vampire Attacks Fix
189 Dawnstar
541 Deadly Combat
542 Deadly Combat - Ordinator Patch
204 Deadly Shadows for JK's Skyrim
376 Deadly Wenches
170 Deathbells By Mari SE
262 Designs of the Nords
54 Detailing the Eldrich - Higher-Res Apocrypha - Temple of Miraak - Black Books
574 Disable Combat Boundary
430 Distinct Husbands
268 Distinct Interiors
431 Distinct People
140 Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse)
432 Divine People of Skyrim - An Immersive and Lore friendly NPC overhaul
386 DK's Nord Ship Texture Replacers
2 DLC: Dawnguard
1 DLC: Dragonborn
0 DLC: HearthFires
604 Dragon Animation Replace in Special Edition
206 Dragon Bridge
575 Dragon Remains SSE
482 DragonLord Armor
158 Dragons tongue by Mari
521 Draugr Weaponry SE
137 Draugr.by.Kajuan
341 Dust Effects by HHaleyy
576 Dwemer InchorBarrel 2K
416 ECEE - RANs Enhanced Character Edit Enhancer
117 Economy Overhaul - Dawn Of Skyrim
116 Economy Overhaul and Speechcraft - Ordinator patch
115 Economy Overhaul and Speechcraft Improvements
157 EEKs Mountain Flowers SSE
156 EEKs Renthal Flora Collection
122 Elemental Archery
518 Elemental Arrows By Fuma
493 Elemental Staffs SE
353 Embers HD
110 Enhanced Blood Textures
415 Enhanced Character Edit
405 Enhanced HD Dragon Bones
165 Enhanced Landscapes - Oaks Standalone - Marsh Pines - Dilon Vul
549 Enhanced Lights and FX
35 Enhanced Textures Detail (UV-tweaks)
464 Ennead - Shields
161 ET3D - Every Tree 3D Different
149 ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Special Edition
151 ETHEREAL COSMOS - Special Edition
577 Even Better Quest Objectives
330 Everlight - Torches of Skyrim SE
331 Evil Slaughterfish
55 Falmer Clutter Texture Mod
377 Falmer.by.Kajuan
75 Falskaar
578 Female Facial Animation
435 Feminine Argonian Textures (Chameleon and Lizard) [CBBE]
422 Feminine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard) [CBBE]
612 Finally First Person Magic Animation
299 Footprints
598 Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE
599 Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - Creature Pack
89 Forgotten Dungeons (SSE)
32 Forgotten Retex Project
207 Frankly HD Markarth - The White City Redux
406 Frankly HD Stormcloak and City Guards
99 Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival
382 Frostspider 4k retexture
383 Frozen Electrocuted Combustion
283 Frozen in Time
332 Fur Bedroll 2-4k
333 Fur Tent 4k Retexture
14 Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice
226 Gavrostead SE
334 Giant.by.Kajuan
469 Grandmaster Ursine Armour - Special Edition
175 Green Hanging Spanish Moss HD
467 Grim Chitin Armor - Texture Replacer
433 Gyot NPCs
335 Hagraven.by.Kajuan
59 Haladoon's Retexture Project
90 Hammet's Dungeon Packs for SE
512 Hanakotoba Katana Sets by Yurica
6 Harvest Overhaul Redone - creatures
114 Harvest Overhaul Redone - ordinator patch
7 Harvest Overhaul Redone - plants
336 HD Bowls of Food and Ingredients SE (WIP)
337 HD Candle Flames
338 HD Dark brotherhood door
339 HD Enhanced Terrain
340 HD Hawk Feathers and Beak Mesh and Texture
440 HD Khajiit Mouth
49 HD Lava for Dawnguard
71 HD LODs Textures SE
172 HD Photorealistic Ivy
173 HD Photorealistic Ivy - Uv patch
280 HD Ruined Book Retexture 4k - 2k
504 HD Sabre Cat Tooth Mesh and Texture
275 HD Sacks Retexture
424 HD Werewolf Retexture
342 HearthFires Display Case Fix SE
79 Helgen Reborn
233 High Hrothgar Overhaul
281 High Quality Food and Ingredients SE
311 Hill House Returned SE
282 Hold Border Banners
245 Holidays
293 Honey pot
295 Horncandles.by.Kajuan
316 HQ Paper
317 HQ Skyrim map V2
155 Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture
343 Ice Wraith and Dragon Priest Retexture 4k - 2k
267 Iconic's Real Hay
344 Iconic's Woodfires
564 illy's High Quality Fire Audio - SE Edition
450 Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks SE
451 Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks SE - Patch
596 Immersive Animations
470 Immersive Armors
96 Immersive College of Winterhold
91 Immersive Dungeons SSE
162 Immersive Fallen Trees SSE
25 Immersive HUD - iHUD Special Edition
237 Immersive Laundry
583 Immersive Patrols SE
557 Immersive Sounds - Compendium
565 Immersive Sounds Compendium - Enhanced Blood Textures
497 Immersive Weapons
498 Immersive Weapons Patches SE
407 Immersive Wenches
408 Immersive Wenches - KS Hair
345 Imperial Metal Replacer - Love for Sconces
500 Imperial Sword 4K By Billyro
409 Imperious - Races of Skyrim
484 Improved closefaced helmets
362 Improved Fish SE
364 Improved Hearthfire Lighting SE
183 Improved Roads
184 Improved Roads Patches
395 Improved Weapon Impact EFFECTS Correct Metal SE
584 Inconspicuous art in Skyrim
410 Inns and Taverns SE
513 Insanitys Celtic Katana
514 Insanitys Dragon Katana
505 Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection
209 Ivarstead
222 JK Skyrim - Unique Vampire Dens SSE
190 JK Skyrim Artmoor Patches
185 JK's Skyrim
240 JK's Skyrim - Better Docks
527 JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim - a Patch
526 JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim - Patch
246 JK's Skyrim - Holiday
238 JK's Skyrim - Immersive Laundry
254 JK's Skyrim - No Snow Under the Roof
108 JK's Skyrim - Thunderchild Patch
186 JK's Whiterun Outskirts V1.4 - SSE
483 JS Armored Circlets SE
346 JS Dragon Claws SE
396 Just Ice
214 Karthwasten - Let The Silver Flow
585 Keeper Carcette Survives SSE
429 KS Hairdos SSE
511 Kthonia's Unique Weapon Pack - Dragonborn Weapons
256 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
257 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Alternate Start
258 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Cutting Room
260 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - JK Skyrim
259 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods - Verdant
45 Landscape Overhaul HD
4 Lanterns of Skyrim Light Balance Patch
3 Lanterns of Skyrim SE
125 Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE
529 Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - Patches
313 Legend of the Eagles Nest SSE
225 Legendary cities - Tes Arena - Skyrim Frontier Fortress
586 Lexy's LOTD Special Edition Patches
133 LH's All Spriggans Retexture HD 2K-4K
301 LH's B-alt-Ships HD 2K-4K
164 LH's Chopping Block - Logs - Firewood HD Remaster --- 2K-4K
302 LH's Dark Brotherhood Tenets - Vitro Glass Window HD
303 LH's Divine Daedric Dawnbreaker (DDD) - 3 versions
304 LH's HD Oil Puddle - 3 versions
309 LH's HD Unique Total Inn-Shops Signs Remaster
305 LH's Leather HD 2K-4K
134 LH's Storm Atronach HD
306 LH's TORCH HD 2K-4K
503 Lightning during Thunder Storms
506 Longclaw
31 Lore-Based Loading Screens
121 Lost Grimoire of Skyrim
556 Lucidity Sound FX SSE
397 Luminescent Luna Moths SE
535 Lupinus - Moonlight tales patch
534 Lupinus - Werewolf Tweaks
215 Lush Falkreath for SE
471 Lustmord Vampire Armor - CBBE SSE BodySlide (with Physics)
442 Maevan2's Eye Brows (SE)
602 Magic Casting Animations Overhaul SSE
611 Magiska
21 Main Menu Music Replacer - The Dragonborn Comes
23 Main Menu Spinning Skyrim Emblem
436 Male Dragonic Argonian Textures 4k - 2k (SOS and Vanilla)
354 Mammoth Cheese Retexture - 4k and 2k
365 Man Those Borders SSE
453 Mannequin Designs
454 Mannequin Designs - CBBE
255 Mannequins Stay Put
11 Map Markers Complete with DLC and OCS
411 Map of Dragon Burials
64 Mara 2k-4k Retexture
423 Masculine Khajiit Textures (Grey Cat and Leopard)
366 Mead Barrel HD 2K
622 Merged DBM Patches
623 Merged PCE Patches
624 Merged SOS Patches
618 Merged-JK-Patches
616 MergedArmorPlugins
617 MergedWeapons
274 Misc Retexture Project
87 Moon and Star
536 Moonlight Tales Special Edition - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul
82 Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE
163 Mora Tapinella 2k
367 More Saddles SSE
587 More Tavern Idles - SSE Port
28 moreHUD SE
538 Mortal Enemies SE
452 Multiple Floors Sandboxing
61 Murals That Don't Suck
171 Mushroom Retextures
524 My Home is Your Home
347 Mythical Tundra - Stonehenge and Hilltops
439 Natural Teeth
455 nightingale circle - Wet Version
501 Nightingale Pride - Bow and Blade Reincarnation
472 Nightingale Prime Remastered
473 Nightingale Prime Remastered Non-Enchantment
252 No Edge Glow - Magic and Transformations
174 No more glowing vibrant Thistle and textures SSE
178 No more ugly Vines
253 No Snow Under The Roof 3.2
614 No Spinning Death Animation
236 Northern Bathhouses - JK Skyrim
235 Northern Bathhouses - SSE
232 Northern Marsh Bridges
39 NSM - FULL PACK v.5.3.0 2K - For Skyrim Special Edition
40 NSM - SMIM Patch
127 OBIS - NoticeBoard - Addon
126 OBIS Special Edition 1
594 OBIS Special Edition 1 - Immersive Weapons Patch
148 Obsidian Weathers - TrueStorms Patch
147 Obsidian Weathers and Seasons
486 Odems Onihime Katana - Advanced Craft
211 Old Hroldan Ruins SE
588 Optional Starting Spells
487 Opulent Outfits - Mage Robes of Winterhold 2018-SSE
111 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
112 Ordinator - Thief Skills Rebalance
113 Ordinator Beyond Skyrim Patch
220 Outlaws Refuges
381 Palaces and Castles Enhanced SSE
412 Palaces and Castles Enhanced SSE - Patches
101 PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions
123 Passive Weapon Enchantment Recharging - Enchanted Weapons Recharge Over Time
600 PCA 1hm Overhaul_SSE
264 PELTAPALOOZA - Special Edition
485 Perfect Legionnaire - Gladius
474 Perfect Legionnaire - Imperial Armor Reforged 6-0
475 Perfect Legionnaire - Shield
368 Photoreal Foxes 2K HD Retexture
369 Place of Power
589 Player Blink Fix
402 Point The Way
363 PondFish and Salmon Replacer - texture
348 Populated Forts Towers Places Remastered Edition
601 Pretty Combat Animations SSE 1.376
606 Pretty Female Idles
609 Pretty Jump Animations SSE
607 Pretty Sit Idle v1.41d
420 Pride of Valhalla - Super HD Skin Set for UNP-UNPB-7B-CBBE
94 Project AHO
76 Qaxe's Questorium for SSE
13 Quest Conflict Fixes
370 Quick Light SE
621 RaceCompability
234 Ragged Flagon Retexture 4k-2k
314 Rayek's End - SSE Expanded Edition
517 Real Bows (by DecimusMaximus for SSE)
159 Real Mountains - fomod
307 Real Roads for Skyrim
308 Real Roads mesh fix
296 Real Snow HD 2k
610 Realistic Greatsword Combat Animation Overhaul
136 Realistic Horse Breeds by KrittaKitty
595 Realistic Ragdolls and Force
413 Realistic Skin And Hair Shaders - Giants
414 Realistic Skin Shaders - Falmer and Hagravens
150 Realistic Sun for Climates of Tamriel and Vanilla
608 Realistic Walking Running and Sneaking Speeds
371 Realistic Water Two
539 Rebalanced Encounter Zones and Leveled Actors
533 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - IAFT SE Patch
531 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE
532 Relationship overhaul - CRF and USSEP Patches Final
16 Relic Hunter (Legacy and ASLAL addon)
349 Ren's HD Flame Atronach by Rengel
67 Ren's HD Shrines by Rengel
319 Retexture for The Scroll
167 Riften Leaves HD 2K
208 Rorikstead
378 RS Children Overhaul
620 RS Children Patch Compendium
263 RUGNAROK - Special Edition
34 Ruins Clutter Improved SE
394 Run For Your Lives
465 RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition
321 RUSTIC COOKING - Special Edition
300 RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition
261 RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition
358 SABRECAT.by.Kajuan
537 Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim
519 Scoped Bows SE 1.3.1
520 Scoped Bows SE 1.3.1 - Elemental Arrows Patch
379 Seeker and Lurker - Creature Retex
355 Sekhmet - Shadowmarks
481 Semper Fi SE - An Imperial Armor Mod
437 Seranaholic by rxkx22 - Ported to SSE by bchick3 and elrizzo
350 Serious Mammoth Bone Retex HD
351 Shuffler90's 4k Doll
380 Shuffler90's Skeleton 4k retexture - 4k-4k version
352 Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar -- SLOD WC
579 Silverware normal map fix
580 Simply Knock SE
466 Skaal clothes HD revival
590 skse charachter docs
359 SkyFix SE - HD Blacksmith Signs
507 Skyforge Weapons SSE
152 Skygazer Moons - Masser and Secunda Ultra HD 4K (2K and 1K) Moon Textures
26 SkyHUD
42 Skyland - A Landscape Texture Overhaul
62 Skyland - Standing Stones
217 Skyland - Towns and Villages
205 Skyland - Whiterun
46 Skyrim 2017 Textures
160 Skyrim 3D Trees
145 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition
36 Skyrim Realistic Overhaul Part 1
37 Skyrim Realistic Overhaul Part 2
38 Skyrim Realistic Overhaul Part 3
218 Skyrim Reborn - Whiterun Hold
508 Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry
29 Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture v4.1
203 Skyrim Sewers 4
398 Skyrim Sizes
456 Skyrim Sizes - Vampire Face bug
210 Skyrim Textures Redone - High Hrothgar
202 Skyrim Textures Redone - SkyHaven
144 SkyTEST - Animation fix, mute wolfs
143 SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators
128 SkyTEST Integration Project SE
118 Skytoxin - Realistic Dangerous Poison
12 SkyUI
457 Smile in HD
399 Smoking Torches and Candles
278 Snazzy Bloody Rags
266 Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
547 Sneak Tools SE Edition
444 Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower
445 Sofia Customizer CBBE SSE - 2.1
196 Solitude Docks
197 Solitude Exterior Addon
198 Solitude HD
391 Solitude Skyway
51 Solstheim Landscape Overhaul HD
496 Somewhat Historically Accurate Weapons and Viking Gear
591 SOUL
43 Soul Cairn HD
392 Soulgem Stand Redone
566 Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE
44 Sovngarde HD
476 SPOA Silver Knight Armor SE
20 SSE High Quality Music
47 SSE Texture Pack - Osmodius
509 Staff of Magnus HD
68 Stalhrim
33 Static Mesh Improvement Mod
53 Stockade Wood Revamped Texture 4k - 2k
248 Storefront
63 Stunning Statues of Skyrim
106 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
177 SwampFungalPod Retex Dark Blue
315 T'Skyrim - Halls of Dovahndor
192 T'Skyrim - Riverwood (Addon for JK's Skyrim)
219 Tactical Valtheim SSE
360 Take clam shell
187 Tel Mithryn Enhanced
619 Tel Nalta II - Telvanni Home - Hearthfire Dawnguard Dragonborn
421 Tempered Skins for Males - Dressed Version
489 Temple Priest Robes HD Retexture - Reclamation Robes
480 Tera Armors Collection SSE
70 Terrain LOD redone
356 Texture for leatherhide
528 The Choice is Yours
249 The Crossroads Inn
438 The Eyes Of Beauty SSE
88 The Forgotten City
93 The Grand Paladin SE
85 The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SE
86 The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal SSE - HD pack
78 The Notice Board Redefined - New Meshes and Textures
77 The Notice Board SE
19 The Paarthurnax Dilemma
244 The Ruins
92 The Unfinished Business - Dungeon Pack SSE
490 Thieves Guild Armor HD revival
510 Third Era v1.4 - Weapons
107 Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion
615 TK Dodge SE
530 To Your Face - Sensible NPC commenting SSE
448 Toccata Follower SE (With Elisif Replacer Option)
400 Torches Cast Shadows
593 Torches Cast Shadows - Smoking torches
417 Total Character Makeover
477 Tribunal Robes and Masks for SSE
357 Troll skull 4kHD
361 Troll.by.Kajuan
146 True Storms Special Edition - Thunder Rain and Weather Redone
478 Truly Light Elven Armor (female) for SSE - Replacer - Standalone
166 Tundra Quagmire
548 Ultimate HD Fire Effects
230 Ultimate Stone Wall
124 Undeath Remastered
50 Underground - a dungeon texture overhaul
250 Unique Border Gates SE
251 Unique Border Gates SE - Bruma
8 Unique Loot - An Immersive Looting Experience
221 Unique Vampire Dens SSE
592 Universal Race Scale Remover SSE
550 Unofficial ELFX SMIM fps performance patch
83 Unofficial Moonpath to Elsweyr Patch
5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
479 Valkyrie Armor
515 Valkyrja - Viking sword
265 Vampire Coffins 2k-4k
279 Vanilla Lantern Retexture
154 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin
81 VIGILANT Voiced - English Addon
224 Viking Towns of Skyrim
387 Viking-Style Ship Sails
605 VioLens - A Killmove Mod SE
384 Voltage
516 Warrior Within Weapons
179 Waterplants
180 Waterplants - Verdant Patch
385 WEBS S.E
102 Wet and Cold
388 White Phial Replacer SE
188 Whiterun Valley
227 Whiterun Valley - Cutting Room Floor patch
228 Whiterun Valley - JK Skyrim patch
229 Whiterun Valley - JK Whiterun Exterior patch
523 Wild Herds of Skyrim
543 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim
540 Wildcat - Realistic damage
195 Windhelm - Legendary Kings
191 Windhelm Bridge Overhaul
194 Windhelm Enhanced - HD 4k Metalwork
193 Windhelm Lighthouse V1.3
458 Winter Is Coming SSE - Cloaks
199 Winterhold Restored
201 Winterhold Restored - JK Skyrim Patch
200 Winterhold Restored - No Snow under roof
389 Wispmother.by.Kajuan
153 Wonders of Weather
135 XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended
69 Y.A.L.O SE - Dawnguard Lod
41 Y.A.L.O SE - Yet Another Landscape Overhaul for Skyrim SE
597 YY Anim Replacer - Mystic Knight
390 Zephyr Retextured



Thank you for taking your time! I appreciate it!



Edited by mrLethol
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I will preface this by stating that all my advice is based on my merges for Skyrim LE... that said, the mods I'll talk about shouldn't be that different in SE.

I think your next logical step is an NPCs merge. The Wenches, Bijin, and Toccata mods should all merge together nicely. At the very least, you should disable the Bijin Warmaidens, NPCs, and Wives esps since you have Bijin AIO.esp in your order. You can also merge Ambriel.esp and SofiaFollower.esp, though I tend to keep those separate from other NPCs because they both have a custom follower system (they also conflict with each other a bit, both edit guard dialogue).

Some other mods that should be safe to merge together:

49 AHZmoreHUD.esp
50 AMatterOfTime.esp
102 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
104 SimplyKnock.esp
136 mrbs-uniqueloot-se.esp
146 TheChoiceIsYours.esp
202 gonkishvampdens.esp
210 HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp
211 ImprovedHearthfireLighting.esp
291 sandboxcylinderheight.esp
294 Quest Conflict Fixes.esp



sandboxcylinderheight.esp may be unneeded, some other mods include it. Check it against My Home is Your Home.esp especially. I know MHIYH 4 had it included, I'm not sure about the older versions.

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I know this is an old post, but I have a question, I merged toccata mod but I get a grey faced bug thingy, looks like a potato almost, searched around for a bit, and saw that I have to regenerate her face data in ck which did, it worked fantastic however... the 2 faces are not the same, the one i merged is differnt from the orginal toccata character, I am not to sure how to go about fixing this. Any help would be amazing!!!!!

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The original mod will have a mesh (either as a loose file or packed inside a .bsa) in data\meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\"PuginName.esp"\. Since you've merged the plugin, the name has presumably changed from Toccata.esp or whatever it was originally.


You need to put that nif inside your new face geometry folder with the correct folder and nif name. Since you apparently "regenerated the face data," it should have created a new folder and mesh for you. You need to replace that mesh with the one that originally came with the mod. You should also do the same thing with the textures, but the regenerated ones may work if they weren't customized. You'll just have to see.

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