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Make the B.O.S. Jumpsuit a REQUIREMENT to enter Power Armor?

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I'm abandoning this for now as PowerArmor being its own race, my lack of script knowledge, and the technical unequip of armor the player is wearing when entering power armor make this very difficult. HOWEVER, there is a game setting still in the CK called 'sCantEquipPowerArmor,' probably a hold over from FO3. I might look more into this setting later.


Hi gang,


just as the title says I want to make having the BOS black or orange jumpsuit (and maybe the hat) a requirement for entering a suit of power armor. I figure looking to the past on how FO3 required you to get special training to wear armor was a good start, but I thought of other issues.


Will I have to apply this 'if player is wearing jumpsuit, enter power armor' to several instances of the power armor? or will it be a simple check for the player? I am not trying to get all NPCs on this system, just the player for now.


I'm in over my head on this, but the extra gatekeeping is necessary as this is part of a larger mod that makes power armor dramatically OP, and I can't find a clear reference anywhere else.


if anyone has an idea of where to start or examples of something similar I can really look at let me know!


Thank you!!


I'm struggling a bit with the perk method unless someone can hold my hand through it. If I can find a way to block access to all power armor that's a good start, and then I can possibly add an enchantment to BOS jumpsuits to allow the player entry? Also not sure how to put that into practice as my modding experience is largely messing with existing elements, not adding new ones.


Alternatively, I might like the BOS Jumpsuit to at least give something like +1 or +2 agility while in power armor. I tried to create a new enchant for +1 agility with the condition GetEquipped -> Armor: 'ArmorPoweredFrame' and applied it to the BOS Jumpsuit (called underarmor) to no avail.

Edited by dwellufool
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I'm just spit balling here, but would it be easier to make a hidden perk that simply blocks activation of the power armor frame forms unless the condition is passed?

Beth forums user also suggested this, and it didn't even cross my mind. Could be easier, but if I wanted to put followers on the same restrictions down the line I might run into trouble. I think I'll run with this method for now.


Thank you!

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This sort of spit balling is my favorite. I'm been thinking about something similar to mimic the need for power armor training similar to the earlier games and you would silently receive said training after doing the meet 'n greet on the Prydwen.


I think the real snag for the OPs idea and mine would be the part of the When Freedom Calls quest that requires you to enter the power armor on the Museum of Freedom roof. The game pretty much forces your hand into suiting up and the quest won't proceed until you do. An accommodation for that would need to be built in.

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This sort of spit balling is my favorite. I'm been thinking about something similar to mimic the need for power armor training similar to the earlier games and you would silently receive said training after doing the meet 'n greet on the Prydwen.


I think the real snag for the OPs idea and mine would be the part of the When Freedom Calls quest that requires you to enter the power armor on the Museum of Freedom roof. The game pretty much forces your hand into suiting up and the quest won't proceed until you do. An accommodation for that would need to be built in.

Easy. Place a BOS suit next to the power armor. It's not farfetched to draw the conclusion that BOS are wearing salvaged army cavalry gear. Call it what you want, just make sure it has the keyword you're going to condition the perk on.

Edited by mmdestiny
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