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Imperial Idea


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I would like to propose (assuming it hasn't been done before) that somebody, who is good at making HQ mods, makes a script that makes imperials wear heavy armor and use shields. I'm sick of charging into battle with them only to watch my men get two-shotted by Stormcloaks. I've searched the nexus for something like this, but have come up empty handed. Maybe i'm not looking hard enough, idk, but it would be sweet to get a script that gives them all shields and heavy armor but does not change any skins. I wanna be able to keep the skins i have for the Imperials, but to upgrade their equipment.
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An ORCISH idea....


Orcs are supposed to be frontline troops for the legion. They are never in a battle. They ought to at least be the first line for the attack at whiterun.


I agree though. Your troops are always weak. I believe the battles should increase in variety and scale as you progress through the campaign and as you raise rank. Perhaps even the ability to choose the troops you want to attack with (like at passwall in SI).


Sorry for expanding your idea :)

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