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Empty containers in Construction Set?


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Hey, I just started messing around with adding custom items from a mod into both a pre-existing barrel and adding my own and trying to edit the inventory.


I would open the barrel in CS, click 'edit base' add my items, and give it a custom name and such. Save it, easy. I would go into the game, with the mod enabled of course, and the barrels would be where I placed them, they would be empty though. Strange, so I loaded everything back into CS and its all where it is supposed to be, except when I click 'edit base' there is nothing listed. My stuff just keeps vanishing.


Anyone know what the problem is?

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If you were allowed to do that, your mod would be dependent on the other mod, which could lead to a very intricate chain of dependencies.

Therefore, the game has a ‘mod isolation’ architecture that prevents one mod to refer to objects from other mods.


What you have to do is to create e new object in your mod that is exactly the same object, but, technically, they are two different objects, so there is no dependency.


To create this object, double click the original object in the Object Window and give it a new name.

Answer YES when asked if you want to create a new object.

It is advisable to prefix all the objects of your mod with the same prefix, e.g, if you mod is called ‘The Master Mage” you could prefix everything with RuTMM (Ru from your name)


Now you can add your new object to the game and it should show up.


Note that in doing this, you are using somebody else’s work and, if you plan to share your mod, you have to get authorization from the original modder.

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