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Regarding View Distance


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Hey there. I was wondering if Oblivion itself could load further away objects by increasing numbers in the .ini file or by the use of some sort of addon.

The thing is, my computer is rather good but when playing Oblivion it's very (very!) annoying to have rocks pop up in the distance, ruining the whole

scenic feel or riding through the forest n poo. So anyway, that's what I'm wondering - How can I increase what Oblivion loads?


I've got the following .esps already installed:

Tamriel VWD 0.5 (So I can SEE further)

Natural Enviroments

UOP (Unofficial Oblivion Patch)


.. And some other smaller mods like grass-enhancements and whatnot.


I do not have SI installed. I'm running Oblivion on Windows XP SP3 on a

clocked 3.1 GHz Duo-Core with a GeForce 8800 GTX 768mb XXX-Asus Extreme.

Got 2Gb memory.


Any help apprciated <3

// mullz

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One method is to (just like you mention) alter the .ini file so the game loads obljects and textures further away. How to do this is explained in the guide: Optimising Oblivion By Ashton Mills


If you want to read about more Oblivion tweaking, also read the Oblivion Tweak Guide at http://www.tweakguides.com


I see you alredy have Tamriel VWD 0.5. I found what I think is a newer version of the same mod: Almost Everything VWD http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7705. It is possible this mod add more struktures in world distance.


A mod that also make stones (alongside buildings and such) visible in world distance is: MTAEVWD (More than almost everything visible when distant) http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=2420

The problem with this mod is that it is greatly lowers frame rate.


Be sure to only use one of the mods (Tamriel VWD 0.5 or Almost Everything VWD or MTAEVWD)

But it is likely fine to use the .ini file tweak alongside one of the mods.


Good luck


Don´t forget to tell how in goes. :)

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Thanks alot FearlessHamster, kudos to you.


I reinstalled my Oblivion using the discs totally fresh. I patched it and installed my favourite .esps like Natural Enviroments and such.

I also tweaked most of my settnins following the guides you linked, and it works pretty awsome now. I can even play in 1680x1050 without too much stuttering.

I'm gonna go ahead and lower to 1440x900 and enable som AAx4 through the nVidia Console and see how that goes.


Anyhow, looks MUCH better now, thanks alot.


Besides, now that i've reinstalled - got any awsome tips yourself on how to make the game run smoother

or just some cool addons that I could play around with? Doesnt have to be performance related :P

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I am glad the info was uesful. :)


Which tweaks regarding view distance did you apply? I am curious since I have not tried any of those myself.


Besides, now that i've reinstalled - got any awsome tips yourself on how to make the game run smoother

or just some cool addons that I could play around with? Doesnt have to be performance related


I don´t use many tweaks, just these:


I use the multithreading tweaks describled in the Oblivion Tweak Guide. These are interesting for anyone with a multcore processor. I am not 100% sure if they improved my framerate, but I think so.


I also use the following tweaks to make everything accept actors reflect in the water.





About awsome addons. There are so many good mods of every kind that it almost feels pointless to mention one or two. Have a look at http://devnull.devakm.googlepages.com/ there you can find lists of awsome mods, both qest mods and graphic releated mods.


To mention something, I am quite found of mods which add travelers to the roads. You may try one of these three (just one at the time thougt since the alter the same stuff)





Just one more thing. When having several mods it may be a good idea to use Timeslip's Oblivion Mod Manager: http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm.html

For usefull mod related information and some instruktions about how to use Oblivion Mod Manager, read the Oblivion Mods FAQ at http://devnull.devakm.googlepages.com/

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Which tweaks regarding view distance did you apply? I am curious since I have not tried any of those myself.


I practically applied EVERY tweak they reocmmended for high-end users in those two guides you linked me.

Although, Im still experiencing that poo pops up like 10-100 meters infront of me. it's really annoying and Im startign to think you

just cant do anything about it cuz that's the way oblivion is built and to change it you'd need to like re-do the game, or am I wrong? :)


I'll try that very last addon that makes EVERYTHING extremely visible at far distances - although that made me get like 2fps last time.

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Alright I tried with Tamriel Almost Everything Visibie VWD (The one with the highest visibility) and I got like 10 fps which I consider to be unplayable.

But still, I dont see the actual "view distance" as the problem anymore, rather the fact that Oblivion doesnt load things far away, so they pop up right infront of me

when walking in big open spaces.


Hiiiighly ruining the gaming feel.

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