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Follower "control panel"


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I use UFO and enjoy having multiple followers. However, managing these folks is sometimes like herding cats. They wander off. They stay behind. They take the long way around. They chase enemies. They are hurt or tired but don't tell me. They are invisible and I can't see them at all. Their magic weapon is all discharged but I don't know it. They are dead, but i can't find them in the tall grass. Really, sometimes they just aren't worth the hassle!


The solution would be a follower "control panel" that could be called up that would list all my current followers, their stam/health/magica, their status (dead, fighting, idle, invisible, frozen, etc), and their distance and bearing from me. It might even have a set of commands available for each ... stay here, attack, flee, come to me, etc., that could be applied to individuals or the whole group.


This would really be handy in managing a group of followers .. kind of like a leiutenant over a platoon of troops. Any takers?

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