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Character Remains in 3rd Person View...


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My character goes into 3rd person view when utilizing the enchantment and alchemy tables, the forge, and when giving the final blow to an animal or NPC... as normal. But, it won't revert back to 1st person... which is what the character was in before utilizing the tables, forge or giving the kill move.


My Character Mods:



HDT Physics Extensions

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Sporty Sexy Map - Athletic Muscle Mod

XP32 Max Skele Extended


Other Mods:

Beyond Skyrim - Bruma 1.3.30

Beyond Skyrim - Bruma DLC Integration Patch

BodySlide and Outfit Studio

Cutting Room Floor

Enhanced Blood Textures

Helgen Rebuilt

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul

LustDesign's Sovngarde Steel Armor v2

RaceMenu v3-4-5

Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide TBBP HDT

Rich Skyrim Merchants by EddieTheEagle

Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches - Lustrianna_Compatibility_Patches

ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer 1.3



The Ruffled Feather

Unenchanted Items 1.6

Unofficial High Resolution Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch


I will add that when adding a few mods, recently, I noticed that the XP32MSE had gotten deactivated. I just reactivated it and let it override like the page says to. But, the issue with the character remaining in 3rd person view after utilizing the tables and forge has been there for quite a long time. The snapping into 3rd person after the kill scene is quite new.


I hope I gave enough info. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Psalms139
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