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brugalted - Formal warning issued

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brugalted has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Reuploaded a deleted mod without permission from the original author.


this its not my mod i just find it in nexus long ago and down it but the maker remove it so i though if i upload it peps will be happy and find it funny so upload it hope I will not get banned bcoz its not my mod XD


This is against our Terms and Policies and File Submission Guidelines.


Submission of existing user-submitted content without appropriate consent or permission is prohibited.




We provide users the ability to detail how they wish their work to be reused within the Nexus Mods network. Should any disputes occur within the context of our websites and services, these permissions will be referred to by staff who will attempt to enforce your wishes, within reason. If another Nexus Mods user does not adhere to posted permission statements, their account may be subject to moderation based on review.





This warning was issued for what took place here, here




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