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NPC Shop Owner tries to walk through walls


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I read the tutorial for creating a shop here: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/My_First_Shop


I don't have a private quarters room, the bed is on the first floor and the shop on the second. My first problem is my shop owner starts in a position against the wall a little away from where I placed the npc itself. The second problem is when my npc tries to go downstairs to sleep he tries to walk through the wall or railing, and completely ignores the steps and doorways. Are there any special things I have to do to get the npc to go the way I want it to? Sorry if this is noobish, I've never created a shop/house before.


Here is a screenshot of how it's set up, sorry for the bad quality, I haven't installed photoshop yet since I formatted:


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