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Little Sister Mod


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So for a while I've had this idea for a kind of big mod but I have so little experience with coding outside of html (and even then I don't have that much experience and I constantly need to look at my notes) but I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this or if I was the only one who liked the idea. If other people like it I'll see about getting some help and tutorials and maybe making this a reality.


So irl I'm going to assume some of you guys have little siblings. I always thought it would be awesome if there was a follower mod to give the dragonborn a little sister. Maybe when they reach a certain level, there's an encounter they have where an exhausted girl runs up and tries to get their attention (kind of like the couriers). And when she finally has their attention, she tries to explain that she is their younger sister and she's crossed all over tamriel looking for them and now that she's finally found them, she wants to travel with them and spend the rest of her life fighting by their side. The player could either basically tell her to f*** off and that they don't believe her, leaving her crying and effectively ending the mod (why download it if you don't want to use it, I don't know but some people might like that option), or accept her and let her tag along. She could have commentary on all the guilds, the main quest, the towns, and creatures, all coming from the perspective of a very curious and charming teenage girl. I'd put her age at around 15-17 so the VA would have to be either around that age or able to sound that age (not to dunk on M'rissi but that VA sounded way older than the character she was portraying).


Obviously there would need to be a model for each race (would be incompatible with modded races unless I modded in models for custom races) and I don't know how I'd be able to make her change race depending on the player's chosen race but she'd maintain the same voice throughout. She'd be an essential character (who wants to see a little girl die?). And I can't believe I have to say this but. No, you can't marry your sister.

Edited by owospeak
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Great idea.

I know there is a mod which give you a son, but I don't think there is one which give you a sister.



She'd be an essential character (who wants to see a little girl die?)

Well, I would prefer that she remain mortal. No because I want to see a little girl die.

But because it would be a real challenge. You'll have to really protect her. If she's essential, you don't really have to mind what could happen to her. In the other hand, if she could die, you would HAVE to care about her.

Maybe a MCM option ?



And I can't believe I have to say this but. No, you can't marry your sister.

B...b...but I'm a Egyptian Pharaoh... MacBranhotep... from the MXX dinasty...

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