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Main Menu Music Replacer


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'AMBIENCE - cinematic main-menu replacers' works fine for replacing the main menu video but for whatever reason nothing I change the main menu music to works. I have no other mods active and what happens is it seems to randomly be either the standard theme music or the modded one.


I overwrote the original main menu theme with the new one and still, it's playing the original theme half the time. I don't have a clue how it does this even after overwriting the file.

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It can affect any main menu replacer with custom audio, and I've not been able to pinpoint an exact cause. The issue is known to occur if either you're using a mod that 'bypasses' the Bethesda/S.P.E.C.I.A.L. intro vids, or if you choose skip them yourself. Unfortunately, it's also known to happen seemingly at random when you first boot-up the game (I've had this happen numerous times myself, but haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause) although once you've loaded a save, quitting back to the main menu results in the custom music working.

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