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Lich King helmet modification


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Hi, guys


A few days ago as I was playing Skyrim and I grabbed my Lich King's Armor to go and kill some time (and some bandits too =P) I realized of one thing I haven't paid attention up to now: its helmet.

Doing some research I found that the original helmet that the Lich King uses had some blue-sparkling eyes and this one didn't. To be more precise, I'll show you a set of pictures:


This one is the helmet that comes with the armor created by jojjo:




Helmet's great and has a really nice touch, but shows up to be really 'common' to be honest. It's not much than a regular helmet.


This would be the one that the Lich King uses on WoW:





Even though the whole armor is great, it loses its feeling of making you look like the real Lich King as it doesn't look that 'menacing'.

The idea is basically add some black background to the helmet so the face of Dovahkiin cannot be seen and add blue sparks to its eyes (like the ones on the daedric armor, for example) in order to make it look more similar to the original one.

If someone knows how to do it (and if it's possible obviously), I'd really appreciate it. I'd do it myself, but I lack the tools (CK is crashing all the time and I need to redownload every time it fails) and I do stink when it comes to edit images with Photoshop to give a brief example.

Thanx in advance to answers and ideas!

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There is this mod called death dealer, there is a mask that comes with the mod that has its own equipment slot so you can have it on while still equiping a helmet. It sorta hides the face. there is also an eye item that turns your characters eyes bright glowy red. If you know how to mod (i dont) you might be able to turn them blue. As fo the helmet, can't help yo there.
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Yeah, Nimbus... I was trying sort of something similar, but it doesn't work as much as I wanted.

I even tried to edit the helmet myself with some tools, but it was a disaster.

Maybe some of the modders can do it. It's not a complete retex o change of the mod per se. It's mainly a modification of what already exists, let's say.

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