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I would have to say the DB kajiit (cant remember his name) is the rudest npc ive encountered in the game so far. When i arrived back in the sanctuary from fort faragutt with my task of the purification. I responded to his peace offering with a good ol' stab in the face with a daedric longsword. (You know that sweeeeet forward power attack you learn when you become a master of blade? I put that right up in his grill.) Also, the mage scholars in the arcane university are pretty rude. they always give you that same snippety little answer. They even blow you off when you're the arch-mage!
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The owner of the First edition bookshop in the imperial city is never polite, even after HAVING to buy books off him during missions he always has nasty tone in voice when he says "Goodbye", and Snak gra-Bura from the chestnut stables outside the imperial city is a bit of a female dog too. After she's finished talkin about the life of the citizens also around IC she says "get out of my face" or something like that.......

Good topic for a post but there are hundreds of rude people in Cyrodil, maybe just voice actors getting bored, Couldnt have been more than 10 of them anyway, as everone sounds the same.


The owner of First Edition. Someone has already stated the one I think rudest.

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There's an Orc who hangs out on the opposite side of town from the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary who threatens to rip my arms off when I walk by. I appreciate the offer, but at night when there are fewer witnesses and guards, he's nowhere to be found. That's just rude.
i killed him and it felt good
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