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Auto / Character Save and my sanity


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Well, I just spent the last month or so(I only get to mess with games for a few hours every couple nights, and on weekends) reinstalling and trouble shooting my Skyrim load order 4 times, yes FOUR times. I would use LOOT, and then tweak according to what order the Master's are supposed to be in, Clean, Bash, merge ETC.... per the guides. could never get a stable order, nothing would work. I was ready to throw in the towel, and I remembered reading somewhere that Beth Auto saves can corrupt a save game. I went to my options, disabled the character save and the auto save features, and Boom, I can play for 3-5 hours no issues. I can use the speed hack and zoom from one end of the map to the other, w/o crashes. Where as before I was lucky to make it very far out of the first building I walked into.


So as a PSA for Sanity's Sake, Disable the auto save features.

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