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make a functional hotplate


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Stop to work as before if you drop the item. If used in the inventory, it open the workbench, but them the player eat the item (wich is pretty funny if you ask me :laugh: )



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Oooooh, you want both functionalities. I see. In that case, leave the script as it was (when it worked but you said it was boring) and keep it attached to the new version of the item that is now an AID item.


Then, attach the script effect as you have done and make the script be either

Begin ScriptEffectStart
    Player.ShowRecipeMenu WorkbenchRecipes
    Player.AddItem <WhateverItemThisIs> 1 1



if you want to disable the functionality in combat:

Begin ScriptEffectStart
    If Player.IsInCombat
        ShowMessage NVDLC02CampfireNoActivateMSG  ; If using NVSE or JIP LN, there are much better ways of scripting custom messages, in case you want to do that.
        Player.ShowRecipeMenu WorkbenchRecipes
    Player.AddItem <WhateverItemThisIs> 1 1
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I have a confession to make, I figured that would be exactly this, but I was pretty lazy to currently try to implement (I hate loose ends in the geck) and comfortably waited for your solution :facepalm:


Either way, it works exactly as I wanted it to (i just need to change the message while in combat). Dude, this is really cool. :happy:


Mod is almost ready. Need one new asset, some geck work and for last, the cowboy and pyromaniac perk thing.

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I have a beginner's doubt. I put an item in the lucky 38 suite, but I gave up on that item. I know that even if I delete it, the cell remains marked as scrambled. Does this interfere with other mods that also made change in that location?

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I have a confession to make, I figured that would be exactly this, but I was pretty lazy to currently try to implement (I hate loose ends in the geck) and comfortably waited for your solution :facepalm:

Haha you think I didn't know that? That's fine, but trust me when I tell you that scripting isn't as daunting as it looks and you'll love the skill once you have it.


I forget now, are we using NVSE or not? We have newer functions that let you type in the message right there in the script. If it's a corner message you want, you can type:

MessageEx "This item cannot be used during combat."

JIP LN has MessageExAlt, which is the same but lets you specify the message icon and duration.


If you want a message box instead, it's MessageBoxEx and MessageBoxExAlt. Like the corner messages, the first is NVSE and you just type the message in quotes, whilst the second is JIP LN and it gives you much more freedom with a slight bit of extra work.


You're supposed to clean your mod with FNVEdit afterwards. If you didn't actually modify anything in the Lucky 38, the chances of a conflict aren't too high but some stuff can indeed cause a problem, or rather, your mod would be the one that causes the problem as it modifies a cell for no reason. It's called a dirty mod and experienced players don't tend to be too happy about them. I believe the major concern here is the navmesh, but someone else probably knows better.

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I forget now, are we using NVSE or not?



Apparently not




You just need to make a quest with a reasonably fast processing time, tick Start Game Enabled, and attach this script:

scn <NameOfYourQuestScript>

Begin MenuMode 4
    If GetGameRestarted
        ListAddForm <CowboyPerkFormList> <WeaponYouWishToAdd>
        ; Here you put as many ListAddForm lines as you need, one per weapon.



The plugins are installed, I'm launching through power geck, but this script does not work.



script command "listaddform" not found







You just need to make a quest with a reasonably fast processing time, tick Start Game Enabled, and attach this script:

scn <NameOfYourQuestScript>

Begin MenuMode 4
    If GetGameRestarted
        ListAddForm <CowboyPerkFormList> <WeaponYouWishToAdd>
        ; Here you put as many ListAddForm lines as you need, one per weapon.
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Remember I gave you this alternative if you're not using NVSE?



I recommend NVSE, but it's your choice.


Edit: I apparently amended it to this here --


Edited by EPDGaffney
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