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Inferno Ammoboxes that go up in flames?


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As a side-project I have been tinkering with my own Inferno-SRMs (trying to stick to the Classic BattleTech - Total Warfare rulebook) and so far I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. 0 damage and 6 heatdamage per missile, although on impact the floating numbers still show 1 damage but that might just be a visual bug.
I even made 19 variants, based of vanilla & JK mechs, that switched their regular SRMs for Infernos (facing a Kintaro KTO-18-I with the potential to inflict 108 heatdamage with a single attack is... something else) and I also made separate Inferno-Ammoboxes for them.

But here is the only stinger for me so far: I want the Inferno-Ammoboxes to inflict heatdamage additionally to their regular damage when they blow up (as per TT rules in the TW rulebook).

So, I've been peeking around in the Assembly-CSharp.dll and some ability and weapon json-files to see how to do it.
I'm confident that it wouldn't be a problem to apply the heatdamage itself to the 'Mech, the problem is:

how to trigger the effect to go along with an ammo explosion or trigger it when the ammobox gets destroyed?

Because as far as I can tell, ammo explosions are their own totally separate thing that can't really be tempered with short of writing your own .dll (which I honestly lack the skills to do so).

So how would one go about triggering it through the statuseffects of the ammobox.json itself?
The template would look a lot like this:
(these lines are just from the stock PPC, but ammoboxes can use the same "statusEffects" as far as I can tell)


"statusEffects" : [
"durationData" : {
"duration" : 1,
"ticksOnActivations" : true,
"useActivationsOfTarget" : true,
"ticksOnEndOfRound" : false,
"ticksOnMovements" : false,
"stackLimit" : 1,
"clearedWhenAttacked" : false
"targetingData" : {
"effectTriggerType" : "OnHit",
"triggerLimit" : 0,
"extendDurationOnTrigger" : 0,
"specialRules" : "NotSet",
"effectTargetType" : "NotSet",
"range" : 0,
"forcePathRebuild" : false,
"forceVisRebuild" : false,
"showInTargetPreview" : false,
"showInStatusPanel" : true
"effectType" : "StatisticEffect",
"Description" : {
"Id" : "AbilityDefPPC",
"Details" : "[AMT] Difficulty to all of this unit's attacks until its next activation.",
"Icon" : "uixSvgIcon_status_sensorsImpaired"
"nature" : "Debuff",
"statisticData" : {
"appliesEachTick" : false,
"effectsPersistAfterDestruction" : false,
"statName" : "AccuracyModifier",
"operation" : "Float_Add",
"modValue" : "1.0",
"modType" : "System.Single",
"additionalRules" : "NotSet",
"targetCollection" : "NotSet",
"targetWeaponCategory" : "NotSet",
"targetWeaponType" : "NotSet",
"targetAmmoCategory" : "NotSet",
"targetWeaponSubType" : "NotSet"
"tagData" : null,
"floatieData" : null,
"actorBurningData" : null,
"vfxData" : null,
"instantModData" : null,
"poorlyMaintainedEffectData" : null


So far I wasn't able to find the right trigger for "effectTriggerType" to trigger either in case of an ammo explosion or when the component gets destroyed.

Does anyone have any ideas what could be done here?

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