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Argonian werewolf


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I am playing argonian, but it just feels weird to transform a reptile into werewolf...

Instead I think it would be badass to transform into some sort of reptilian monster, like a werecrocodile.


So I just wanted to ask if anyone felt ready to create a reptilian model for argonian werewolf.

The deadra crocodile model from oblivion could be used, while just keeping the normal werewolf animation, its skeletton.


There is alwready a thread about it here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/475715-argonian-werewolves/ if any one is interested in this,

but I prefered to make a proper topic in the request section,



Edited by Cysia
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Perhaps this helps, at least for now: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15976

Sadly it would affect all Werewolves, not only the player, as in vanilla-Skyrim all Werewolves use the same model and mods only changes male and female ones to use different models so far.



This not bad, not exactly what I am requesting, but not bad at all.

I'd prefer a more crocodile looking one.

And with no other power than the standard Werewolf.


It's true it would affect every race, I don"t know how it can be done otherwise, but you juest have to desactivate the mod if you are playing a human or else.

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  • 7 months later...

Just recently got this same idea!! I am currently trying to assemble a team for an all new badass Argonian specific transformation. I am working on some of the smaller, more tedious details, but I really want some people who have experience redesigning perk trees, making 3D models, or people who have already worked with the game's vanilla transformations in some way.


The page containing the majority of the ideas can be found here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/877772-were-crocs/page__mode__show


If you're interested, please reply in the thread I made or shoot me a PM!! Cheers!

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