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mods noob


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Thats on you bro, whats interesting to you could be something completely different to us. the mods are categorized and you can use the advanced search to narrow the field down. Just start looking till you see something that catches your eye. Thats how the rest of us go about it. Happy hunting
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That's the fun part of mods - You are not restricted to what someone else thinks is interesting. It's YOUR game do what YOU want, mod what YOU want. If you think the vanilla player houses are not interesting - find a house mod. If you think the vanilla armor is not interesting find a modded armor that YOU like. Or, do both at once. Your choice.


The vanilla game is for those who want the same thing everyone else wants. :rolleyes:


One player may like the vanilla houses but want a new armor. The next may think the existing armors are just fine, but wants a house with a swimming pool, 4 bedrooms and a waterfall :tongue:. We have mods to keep them both happy.

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