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Game freeze evert 1 minute


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You cannot do anything about it really... Its a huge game flaw... one thing i did, if you have a lot of quests selected in-game (to show them on your map) select only 1 quest at the time, hide other quest markers, that helped me for some time.


Also, Skyrim update 1.6 brings up "General stability and memory optimizations", we'll see if that has do to anything with savegames being too large and freezing the game.

I will have to try that. I do have A LOT of quests highlighted. Thanks.

And I hope 1.6 changes things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK so I fixed things but only after uninstalling the game and all mods and starting anew. So it isn't really a fix =[


I DID however notice that the UFO mod would make my game lag in a way such that the game screen would pause for about 2-3 seconds now and again so maybe that was causing the freeze every minute but I can't be sure. It seems the most follower I can have is about 2-3.

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