feelation Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 Hey ! :D So I got a few problem with a mod (I don't know which one is doing it). The problem is that when I do the quest "Reunion", and I follow Dogmeat, at the exit of Diamon City at the first stop of Kellogs, there is a group of wonderful and happy familly of legendary Yao Guai with a much highter level than me, so, I got for sure one shot ! :) So yeah, those yao guai kind off limit my progression to the game, and I don't think it's come from the Vanilla game, but I have so much mod that I can't have an idea of which one is doing it. If anybody know/can know which mod is spawning them, I would be a happy guy ! Here is a list of all of my mod, so thanks alredy for those who would try to help me and have an happy day (btw my English might suck, I know it :P). -Unoficial Fallout 4 patch-VotWMaster-ArmorKeywords-VotWSpecialVideos-Swinging meatbag-RadiantBirdV05-Quieter Settlements-Dynamic Music Overhaul-Lots More Male Hairstyle-Perk Magazine Material Fix-Visible Companion Affinity-AA beter Companions-OCDecorator-OCDispenser-OCDecoratorDLC-Workshop_Planters-Better Junk Fence-Better Generator-Functionnal Display-Increased Build Limit Enhanced 4K-Scrap Dead Things-MoBetterScrap-MoreOildAddedWeight-CleanSoup-Glowing Animals Emit Light-D.E.C.A.Y-More Realistic Cat (ikr)-Clean Water-Radian Clouds-My Minutemen-Longer Power Line-Faster Terminal Display-Realistic Ragdoll Physic-Realistic Death Physic-Realistic Survival Damage-Live Dismemberment-MOVE-Binary Speach Check-Search And Destroy-True Frags-Lootable Cars-More Unique-Pip-Boy Flashlight-Give methat bottle-RAW INPUT-3DScope-Chem Redux-Enhanced Blood-Settler Renaming-Insignificant Object Remover-More dettailled Perk-Move that workbench !-Enclave X02-Difficulty XP SCALING-Better Mod Description-Weapon Of Fate-Weightless Ammo-Legendary Modification-DV-DURABLE Virtibirds-DarkerNight-M2216-BossChestHaveLegendary-VotWTheatre-BostonFPSFixAIO-BTinteriors_project-UnlockedTrailersProject-SettlementContainers-Commenwelth Chickens and Rabbits-Interior Enhanced-PaladinBalyRedRocket-Plenty O' Exploration-WZWildWasteland-Sanctuary Rebuild-CAPP-Drunken Gnome-Nuka World Bottle Fix-VotWStarlightDriveIn-UniqueUniques-CorvalhoWidowShotgun-Scrounger Weekly-Respawnable Legendary-Ellen-Lexintown Interior-Restored Sanctuary Bridge-Vertibird Alt Fix Far Harbor-PAMAP-Enclave X02_PAMAP So yeah, quite a few mod... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
feelation Posted July 6, 2018 Author Share Posted July 6, 2018 So yeah, I figured it out, it was Respawnable Legendary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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