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Realistic Women Skin Replacer


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I vaguely recall seeing some talk about something like this existing years ago so forgive me if it does but I went searching and couldn't find anything that really fit what I was looking for.


There's plenty of skin replacers out there for female characters to make them prettier. I guess you could say I'm looking for the opposite. This is Skyrim. This is supposed to be a harsh and unforgiving land. Most NPCs I'd say live pretty rough lives compared to any of us. There's nothing pretty about it.


All I'm looking for is a skin replacer for the vanilla skin that reflects that. I'd gladly be willing to do what I can to help out and better define what I'm looking for (I'm a digital artist among other things so I can kind of "show" you what I'd like). But mainly I'm looking for a slight increase in muscle tone and mass, maybe (though this might be hard) a small addition to body fat, and a rougher texture to the skin. Maybe dirty hands, maybe some hair here and there. But nothing too over the top. I'm not looking for Xena: Warrior Princess, more... hardworking bedraggled peasant.


Yes I know it'll affect ALL NPCs and the player character so even Elisif will have dirty hands or what have you but I can live with that.

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