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Visible Synth Damage

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Okay so I've been working on my mod "Marked for Termination", a mod that's inspired by the Terminator and puts 2 cyborgs into the game, one that tries to kill you, the other protects you.


All's good so far, but I'm always looking for ways to improve upon it.


The cyborgs look human and are pretty much indistinguishable from in-game humans (they use the same human race), except they cannot be killed easily being marked as essential NPCs. I made it so the enemy cyborg can only be killed if directly hit by a mini-nuke, at which point it disintegrates into a pile of ash. Other weapons only stun it.


What would be the best way to make them have visible damage? Have them look fully human if undamaged but slowly reveal a robotic skeleton as you shoot/explode them. (The damage doesn't need to be permanent, even just temporary will do.)


In the first stage, I tried creating a duplicate human race (changed blood on damage impact to metal), but then the cyborgs are only a floating head.

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