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Placeable Gravestones


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So, I just had a very memorable battle with a Frost Dragon in Karthwasten. I'm using Deadly Dragons and Ultimate Follower Overhaul, among many other.


I had two followers with me: Lydia and Derkeethus, both of which were marked non-essential. Anyways, with the help of the Reach Guards in the area, we finally brought the mighty dragon down. Unfortunately, Derkeethus paid the ultimate price, freezing to death from the dragon's powerful breath. So, after the battle, I decided to drag Derkeethus to the middle of Karthwasten to sort of allow those in the village to honor and realize his sacrifice. Then it occurred to me...


I would love to be able to purchase tombstones. Ones that you could place and they would remain there for the remainder of the game. It would be great, too, if upon activating these tombstones for the first time, you could customize a message on them. Perhaps a script to call for a name to be placed on the tombstone, and a description on how he died. Then, upon activating the tombstone, your description could pop up, even using the date when the tombstone was placed.


So, for example:


Here Lies Derkeethus


Died Defending the Citizens of Karthwasten from a Mighty Dragon


The 3rd of Sun's Dusk 4E 203


Can it be done? I know I'm not skilled enough to make it happen, but maybe someone out there is and can!



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