Chrjs09 Posted May 20, 2012 Share Posted May 20, 2012 Hello everybody! First things first, I apologize if my sentences aren't 100% correct - I don't speak english natively. I've come over a little problem near Riften. Everytime I travel (no fast-travel!) south/southwest of Rifton (especially near Goldenglow Estate) my Skyrim crashes to desktop without any message or whatsoever.Fast Traveling still works without any problems. The savestate that I am using is the one I played the most - up to 180 hours playtime (a detail that may be important to solve my problem?).The thing is - while I have my ~60 mods activated, the sudden crashes near Riften occur every time. The moment I deactivated all of them no crashes kicked me out of the game at all!I can't think of any mod in my list that particularly affects this area nor have I come over the CTD in any other area of Skyrim.When using BOSS, no conflicting mods were detected.Out of interest I started a whole new Character (with the same mods activated as before) and traveled through the area near Goldenglow Estate everything worked fine! With this I hope that anyone of you can help me with my little problem - it must have to do with my active mods, but not ONLY with them. It isn't game-breaking, but I think that everybody understands that I want my game CTD-free^^ Greetings and thanks to anyone willing to help :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thekineticeffect Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 Well this is convenient. I have the exact same problem around the exact same area! Almost any quest mod I add seems to trigger it. Try removing Moonpath to Elsewhere, No Mercy Quest, the mod that adds lamps to roads, and any mods that add new dungeons. Here is my load order, if you want to compare. Could you please post yours as well?: Reveal hidden contents Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmJSwords.esmApachiiHair.esmBlackTowerArmory.esmWinterholdDestruction.esmRaceCompatibility.esmbetterquestobjectives.espportal2mod.espScoutArmor.espDarkwindv1.espblack mage armor.espMasters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standalone).espProper Aiming.espFS_ExorcizamusTe.espFS_SwordOfTheSeeker.espFS_EveningStar.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.espMidasSkyrim.espBeautiful Whiterun.espRealisticWhiterun.espBashed Patch, 0.espuniqueleveleditemsupgrade1dot3.espGDRangerArmor.espWATER.espWATER - Get Wet.espAVI custom nightingale.espTeraHairWeightFix.espAcquisitive Soul Gems.espFacelight.espdovahkiinrelax.espEarRingHelmets.espField Mage Outfit.espmagicmoonsp.espPhenderix's Magic Evolved.espspellsneak.espUnique Region Names.espRoyalMageRobes.espKarliah2CBBE3ByNausicaa.espAncientNordLight.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espPupetteer Master.espRavenousEleganceByNausicaa.esptest hairs.espAnnael.espNeo's Oriental Dress.espAuto Unequip Arrows.espBlackSacramentArmor.espTrissArmorRetextured.espBalanced_Magic_Adept.espBalanced_Destruction_No_Armor_Penalties.espBalanced_Alteraton_No_Armor_Penalties.espSMSkyrim.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espR18Pn - Leere Armor.espR18Pn - Inner Wear Set.espFionaOutfit.espTribalGlass.espTeraCastanicFArmors.espTeraHEFArmors.espSunnieTracerArrows2_5.espArrowsmith.espExplosive Arrows.espOrientalRace.espDifferent Invisibility Effects plus Eyes Fix - Chameleon Version.espAviFollower.espAviEnchTrans.espRemodeled Armor.espStaffOfMagnusFix.espExpandedWinterholdRuins.espLovelyHairstyles.espArmor_Tera_HmF_L18.espLightningArmor13-2.espDaedric Extra Armor.espAviAutoPerks.espBFSEffects.espAnimated Weapon Enchants.espCrimson Tide - Blood.espThe Asteria - Dwemer Airship.esp With only those mods active, I did not have the problem. I found the problem to be caused when adding Moonpath to Elsewhere, No Mercy Quest, Lanterns on the Roads, and/or Milan's Dungeon Pack. Perhaps one of the mods in my load order is conflicting with these mods and causing problems. Since you have the same problem, maybe we can isolate it. EDIT: Extra info: my save has ~160 hours on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrjs09 Posted May 21, 2012 Author Share Posted May 21, 2012 Hello thekineticeffect and thanks for helping me :D These are the mods that I'm using right now: Reveal hidden contents Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDeus Mons.esmLycanthropy_Audio_by_Brevi.esmKeeningFix.espShadowStripingFix.espDark Dungeons for ENB.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.espArrows of Magicka.espBetterArchmagesRobes.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espDr_Bandolier.espLanterns Of Skyrim - Around Cities.espLanterns Of Skyrim - Bridges x2 - OnOff.espSabreFurBag.espSyynx Stubborn Skeletons.espAuto Unequip Arrows.espIMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.espBerserk Black Swordsman Armor.espCloaks.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espDCSorceress.espDwarvenMech.espDwemer Scouter.espNorthborn Fur Hoods.espEinherjarArmor.espFaalSizaan.espFS_SwordOfTheSeeker.espgun.espisilNarsil.espLeatherBackpack-100.espLFArmors.espIorveth.espNightsWatchArmor.espSabreCat_Gear.espScoutArmor.espTH3WICK3D1-NorthernKingdomsHeavyPlate.espVanguardArmor.espwarmagearmor.espBeautiful Whiterun.espDeus Mons_WithNPCs.esphg.espRealisticWhiterun.espRiversideLodge.espriverwoodhuntingcabin.espSeabreezeEstate.esparmored-horses.espAT - Loot Arrows +25%.espAT - Faster Arrows Improved +100%.espBetter Dynamic Snow.espWATER.espWATER - Get Wet.espLycanthropy_Main_by_Brevi.espWerewolf Loot - ToL compatible.espPowerMasterTheTimeAndSpace.espdovahkiinrelax.espBalanced_Alteraton.espBalanced_Conjuration.espBalanced_Destruction.espBalanced_Illusion.espBalanced_Restoration.espBalanced_Magic_Adept.espAelafacelift.espDimensional House.espFrostmourne 1.0.1.espWerehide.esp I already tried to turn off Lanterns for bridges/cities, but the crash still ocurred. I will try to turn off every mod that adds an location and see if my problem's still there, but it seems that I have none of the mods you mentioned :( I think that I remember reading somewhere that Riften is the most bugged area in Skyrim - but I really don't think it's from the game itself, it has to be a something inbetween my Mods and my Save^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thekineticeffect Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 Hi, from what I understand, the cause may be related to the navmesh bug. Maybe since it does not crash with a new game, a fix I have heard of may be to wait in an indoor location (best a vanilla home) for 31 in game days. I'm gonna try it myself to see if it fixes the crashing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrjs09 Posted May 21, 2012 Author Share Posted May 21, 2012 I once tried to wait circa 10 days inside of breezehome, but that didn't help at all :confused: I deactivated some (okay :happy: nearly all) of my house mods - DimensionalHouse.esp, RiversideLodge.esp, RiverwoodHuntigCabin.esp, SeabreezeEstate.esp today.Up to now Skyrim dind't CTD juste once when I traveled near Riften :thumbsup: .Lanterns for Cities and Bridges are enabled and work, and DeusMons (I really thought/"hoped" this one caused it) is activated, too.I will now try through the Housemods and see if one of them causes the problem, or if two of them are conflicting.I'll be sure to post my results here as soon as possible^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thekineticeffect Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 I've heard house mods are significant contributing factors to CTDs because of the navmesh bug, so I suspect one of them will trigger crashing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrjs09 Posted May 21, 2012 Author Share Posted May 21, 2012 Okay - I really don't know what did the trick, but the CTDs around Riften have disappeared now! :thumbsup: I have almost every of my mods active which is interesting because I was SO sure that one of them caused the problem :DIt must be something that I've done, but I really can't think of the last, final thing that helped :unsure: MAYBE it has to do with the Navmesh Bug you spoke of - each of my house mods that I reactivated was reset completely (losing everytthing that was inside of them, but that's okay ^^' ) So, all in all, everythings fine now and I'm happy with my beloved Skyrim save! I appreciate the help, thekineticeffect, and wish you a CTD-free future ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tok84 Posted July 25, 2012 Share Posted July 25, 2012 WHICH HOUSE MODS did you activate again? Please link them, i want to try that. I had a breezehome and proudspire manor mod, but they didn't "clean" my place up. I actually would love to get rid of all the stuff stored in breezehome and proudspire manor. Another bad thing is that i added stuff by using the console (player.placeatme ....)that got placed in breezehome "in between". Now i hear it rambling and rumbling like it's still about to fall on the floor but stuck somewhere. Kind of like my breezehome is haunted...So if this won't help with my Goldenglow/Riften problem i have a tidy spook-free house again at least. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chrjs09 Posted July 25, 2012 Author Share Posted July 25, 2012 Sorry to dissapoint you, Tok84, but I can't help you with cleaning the stuff out of Vanilla Homes because I almost never use them (I like House Mods more and use them frequently, and to reset those you just have to deactivate, make a clean save with a long time waited inside a cell and activate them again) :pinch:The only house I used was Hjerim, and except early problems with the mannequins in there there were no other issues.The House mods I deactivated are all in that list I posted above, and after I deleted Deus Mons (that one just caused too much problems), went with the "clean" save into breezehome to waited several days to make a save, I activated every other house mod again (except Deus Mons of course) and they were all reset inside - I don't have any problems near Riften anymore, but I can't say for sure that this solved the problem.Just as I said above : Quote Okay - I really don't know what did the trick, but the CTDs around Riften have disappeared now! :thumbsup:I have almost every of my mods active which is interesting because I was SO sure that one of them caused the problem :DIt must be something that I've done, but I really can't think of the last, final thing that helped :unsure: Anyway, I hope that you can solve your problems near Riften and maybe find a way to reset Vanilla Homes in another Thread :thumbsup: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MysticRunner Posted July 30, 2012 Share Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) I've had the problem of having CTD near Riften for a long time now. I am playing the game in Windowed mode now, and that has fixed it so far. However, the cause is still present, and I think I may have found it. See image: Edited July 30, 2012 by MysticRunner Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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