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Knights the Dunedain/Annuminas armor


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I have played the mod "Third Age Total War" wich is a hosted modification of Medieval Total War II: Kingdoms and I found an armor I would really like to be able to wear in Skyrim simply because it looks badass in my opinion. For those who haven't played the mod, the units are called "Knights of the Dunedain" (version 3.0) or "Knights of Annuminas" (version 2.0) from the faction Kingdom of Arnor. These are my favorite units of the game. If it is possible, both a male and female version would be appreciated.


I personally don't have any experience with modding, otherwise I would have made it myself. If this could be a standalone armor it would be amazing with the same stats as Steel Plate Armor.














sadly these were all the images I could find, if i find more I will add them. I know it is hard to see, but they are wearing a black cape, wich can be crafted with the mod that adds capes (forgot the name).

Edited by SnipeTale
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