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Need help creating armor mash-up


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Hello all,


I've been following the "Creating Armor Mashups for Fallout" tutorial to do my first armor mash up. It wasn't anything really complex, just jury rigging the bottom from the metal armor and underwear top together. I *think* I may have done everything sucessfully, but I'm not sure since I'm very new at this. It was going well until the point I had to open my .nif file in GECK. Then it went south. In Nifskope, it appears as it did in blender and everything looks fine.



How I'm seeing it in NifSkope



How I'm seeing it in GECK


In-game it will display the top as black and floating, and the pants are not there at all. They're just... Kind of. Warped far to the left? I don't even know how to describe it. Anyway, It's fairly obvious I messed something up and help would be appreciated. :)

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