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noob question about making your own spells (illusion specifically)

Xx AngelE23 xX

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Hey, I'm new to this site and forums and just have a quick question to ask about making my own spells. One of my characters is based on blade skills, light armor, sneak, and illusion magic, and he's level 33. At the spellmaking altar in imperial city, I can only make spells that use demoralize, frenzy, calm, and command up to level 25, so with all of my enemies around me being level 33, those spells are all but useless, leaving only paralyze, invisiblity, and charm and rally in my arsenal of illusion spells. How can I manually make a spell with those effects that goes beyond level 25? Thanks in advance! :thanks:
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Hey, I'm new to this site and forums and just have a quick question to ask about making my own spells. One of my characters is based on blade skills, light armor, sneak, and illusion magic, and he's level 33. At the spellmaking altar in imperial city, I can only make spells that use demoralize, frenzy, calm, and command up to level 25, so with all of my enemies around me being level 33, those spells are all but useless, leaving only paralyze, invisiblity, and charm and rally in my arsenal of illusion spells. How can I manually make a spell with those effects that goes beyond level 25? Thanks in advance! :thanks:

I can't remember where I found it, but think one of the magic mods (older versions of mighty magicka maybe) came with a .xml file that adjusted the maximum sliders. I believe this allows for higher levels, but could be wrong. The file in question is an altered version of spellmaking.xml. I'm not sure where the changes need to be, and can't share the one I have since I don't know who to credit. It might however be searchable.


Between paralyse, charm, chamelion, and silence, there really isn't anything else you need to do. A reasonably high magnitude targeted charm spell with a 15-20 second duration can do wonders when facing groups of stuff. Before combat starts, hit one of them with charm, that target will either not do anything, or will help you for as long as the duration is. Can give you the time you need to turn the tables. It's better than calm since it isn't considdered a hostile act. So you can hit a single NPC, or a small group while sneaking, stop sneaking, and just walk by without them doing anything about you as long as you are out of sight when the effect wears off. Can still use it on merchants too.


Demoralize has a nasty habit of making things run away, further into the dungeon, then just coming back for you after they've found friends. Frenzy usually only ends up making things attack you since they often have a high enough disposition with everyone else around them.

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