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Need a short FCOM advise


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I reinstalled Harvest Containers (hoped it would help for the meshes), but it didn't help.

Seems to be a problem with the folder structure.

The HC esp is disabled, playing without any mods brings the containers back as usual.

So it's either a folder structure problem or something with the esp's.


A pic: http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/6223/screenshot10go9.th.jpg


Every lootable container (chests, crates, sacks, barrels, etc.) is a missing mesh... no one can play this way http://www.smilies-house.de/smilies/kaos/kaos_037.gif


Hmmm, make sure that you are using "BSA redirect" in OBMM and also replace your big main oblivion texture file in the data folder with your backup copy of that file (incase it got messed up). (You do have a backup of the original files right???) Also create a Bashed patch with Wryebash (following the FCOMhelper tags and set it last in your load order) if you haven't already done this. FCOM needs Wryebash to run properly.

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