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My Struggle

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Recently with the steam summer sale I have decided to purchase a copy of Fallout New Vegas with the hopes to try out the mod scene as well as get me started for the upcoming mods such as the Frontier. So like any new person to modding I have downloaded the Nexus mod manager in hopes that I could try to replicate what many youtubers have done on their own fallout modded videos. I am personally very conservative when it comes to downloading new things on my computer, only getting the absolute most important mods that I wish to play on. Unlike some people I do not wish to spend time downloading three spreadsheet pages of mods for a game that I probably wont spend 1,000+ hours on. So far I have gotten every DLC except dead money and the couriers stash. As for mods I have downloaded Fallout Character Overhaul, Civil Defense Radio, Classic Fallout Weapons, FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting, and The Someguy Series. As for ENB's I saw a video reccomending the Rudy's ENB, and since it looked good to me I decided to give it a shot knowing that nothing should go wrong since mods are usually a plug and play kind of thing. Since I do not know how to save steam screenshots I will try to describe what It looks like. When I load up into Goodsprings I instantly get a blinding light from both the sun and off everything outside (changing the brightness has not seem to have done anything) and when I go inside, the rooms are just black without any textures loading what so ever. I have seen good enb's work with my friend loading and installing it with it looking great and my pc can handle that kind of stuff. I just want my game to look nice enough so that I can enjoy playing it, without having that dated look or feel to it. I don't know if its just my moniter which is a very basic samsung moniter that I found in my basement, or if the youtubers who post these kinds of videos are bsing, or are secretly running a million other mods just to get suckers like me to install the things. I would love to have some help or atleast have someone reccomend some kind of ENB that actually works.

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Nobody likes to spend time getting mods to work with their chosen game, but it's a fact of life that modding for the PC is much more complicated than just plugging in modules on a game console. You have to take the time to learn the peculiarities of each game. Even when based upon the same "game engine", they all have their quirks and limitations.


The good news is that most of those lessons carry over to other games to some extent.


Please see the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article before you get started. It's written for those new to modding in general and FNV in particular; and to get you past the initial road bumps. One of the points in that is ENB is a complication you don't want until you have the rest of the game in a stable, problem free configuration. It is much more complex than "pick a pre-set and go". If the underlying game is not functioning correctly, ENB just complicates the problem. (There are aspects of the game it doesn't work with well. You may be able to live with them, but not when you are troubleshooting.)

If you still have specific problems, then Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as NVSE and it's related plugins, texture replacements (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX. It includes instructions on how to post your "load order" in the forum.


See "How to markup images (etc) in forum posts and comments" article as well.


FYI: As of 08 May 2018, the Nexus has changed some site security to come into compliance with the new "European Union General Data Protection Regulation" (EU GDPR) rules. This breaks older versions of NMM and other tools using the older unsecured API. It is usually reported as being "blocked by the Windows firewall" or causing a "script" or "W3C XML Schema" error installing mods. You will need to update it from NMM on GitHub (or this Nexus NMM download page but it's older than the GitHub version). Check the version numbers between those sites and use the latest (v0.65.6 at this time). Please see this Nexus site news article for details.

Some people are finding that even after updating NMM to v0.65.4 they still get a "script exception" message when installing some mods (such as UIO and MCM). This seems to be resolved by this suggestion from user ElysianMod:
* Run NMM as an "Administrator privileges" account.
* Go to NMM "Settings".
* Enable "Add Shell Extensions for Supported File Types".
* Then restart NMM.
(Supposedly this fix will be included in the next "unofficial" update to NMM on GitHub after v0.65.4. Currently up to v0.65.6 but this error is not mentioned in the changelog.)


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