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Workshop not adding to settlement list, can anybody help me out?


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So I cant get my interior workshop to trigger the settlement quest and add to the settlement list. I've gone though and made sure everything is correct, but something is wrong and it will not trigger. Everything else in the settlement works fine as it has the 50% settlement happiness and building is allowed.


I have the quest set to trigger when you enter the settlement's cell, but the "you can now use this settlement" text does not appear and it is not added to the settlement/workshop list in the pipboy or settler resettling menu.


I've completely re-created the mod from scratch twice and I'm at a loss. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone was willing to look at it and help me out.


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first of all, your setowned trigger is way to big, when you drop the stock box its big enough, just place it infront of the wb, link it only to the wb (no keyword)

2th if you use a setowned trigger set, setowned by player to none in the wb script


3th the build box(empty trigger) link the wb to the box with sandbox, the box to wb is good

4th the mapmarker is only linked to the xheading marker inside, not back

5th the cell where the mapmarker is, edit the cell and give it the bunker location name

6th only the parent quest is needed, the other 1 is not needed

7th when you look at the location, there is a option that say interior use ref, click/vink that 1

8th the cave is way to low for a settlement you can't place a beacon inside


got it working in like 10 min, all show fine the maplocation show the right info, and it show fine under workshops


good info/video's here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4450545-request-for-a-proofread-of-a-settlement-mod-guide-please/page-1


here you go http://www.mediafire.com/file/zwk2r7flrhs11v6/bunker003.7z/file

Edited by speedynl
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Thank you, I went through and changed everything you mentioned and it works. Thank you also for the fixed version you provided and resources, it was useful to double check everything. I cant thank you enough and I hope you keep being a faithful poster.

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