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Cost reduction mod for Nuka-Cade prizes


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Currently prizes in the Nuka Cade terminal is quite underwhelming. There is only one unique item in the terminal and it's a weapon that does 10 dmg and uneffected by the perks. And that item costs like 30 minutes worth of ticket farming (6250 tickets) in the most efficient ticket farming game (Bandit Roundup). Same goes for one measly mini-nuke that costs 5000 tickets. Or one Nuka Cola Victory that costs 2500 tickets. For the referance, most you can get out of Bandit Roundup is around 1000 tickets and it takes about 5 minutes. So a few esp files for cost reductions (like 1/2, 1/3, 1/4) for these items would be great. That way Nuka Cade games could actually worth it.

Edit: Obviously I searched the Nexus for such a mod but apparently it does not exist.

Edited by molenis2
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