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Changing Follower Voice Type


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Got a couple of followers that use the "young female eager voice set " which I wish to change to ANYTHING female besides this. Looked all over (google) for a ck tutorial but only find changing your own voice or custom voiced characters. Any help pointing me in the right direction appreciated.



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Shouldn't be too hard - even if you're new to working with the CK:


1. Load the file of the follower you want to change in the CK (don't forget to set it as "active file").

2. Find the follower in the "object window" (Type her name into the "filter" window, then click on the "actors" tab. Be creative in case a mod author resorted to unusual naming conventions... )

3. Open the follower's tab with "edit" or simple by doublecklicking.

4. Find the "traits" tab (go through the tabs at the top, it's the one to the very left). In the middle of the tab, there should be a dropdown menu for different voices.

5. Select a voice you like. Be careful: Only some voice types are suitable for followers and have the voiced standard dialogue you need for a follower. Definitely working are "Female even toned", "Female sultry", "Female young eager", "Female Elf Haughty" and "Female Dark Elf". This list may be incomplete - if you feel like it, just test and play around a bit...

6. Save your changes.

7. Enjoy your not so young and eager any more follower. ^^

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