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How do I stop abilities / constant effect?


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I try to make a simple ability which slow time only when I draw out weapon


I just modified the voice slow time magic effect, give new ID and change it to constant effect, then I put new effect in my ability, set duration 1s, set condition isWeaponOut = 2.


As expected time will be slow when I draw my weapon, but after I sheath weapon, the slow time effect still linger( sfx stop though ).


What should I do to stop it?

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You could write a script on a new effect that plays your slow time effect when the weapon is equipped/drawn, and ends when it is sheathed. It's a little confusing at first but you'll be writing script events for the animations. For a vanilla example look at the script attached to the bloodskaal sword (it catches the animations for when you use a power attack to cast a spell to fire a ranged attack), you'll have to use related animations for what you are looking for but that should be a place to start some idea brewing.
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