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Legend of Dragoon


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As far as i know this one has not been done for any elder scrolls but i believe that it just fits for this game. An armor mod that is the dragoon armor from the playstation classic

Legend of Dragoon

it could be all armors or cause for most the only thing that will need to change is the color. But there is also the ultimate dragoon form that Dart uses at the end of the game and there is also the ultimate Dragoon form that Lloyd uses for most of the game. If someone could look into this and see if they want to build it that would be awsome. If you want to enchant armor then i would say mild enchantments work best. Elemental resistance for fire, water, and lightening, healing for white, stealth for dark, speed for green, and better armor rating for brown compared to the others. Here are three for visual reference





Edited by jabaho
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Your right however while trying to find my post by using the search bar i could not find it so had to go to my account and i have only posted a total of 4 times in all the forums. It is great however finding someone else who wants the armor and weapon from that game. I take it no one has responded to your request or made the mod? you do not have Darts version of the Divine Dragoon spirit. Edited by jabaho
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no, no one responded or made it yet :(

this game is so f***ing awesome! i need this! =D


yeah right, i don't have the divine armor for dart but i think the pictures that exist of it are to pixilate to imagine it. it would be a great artificial challenge to reproduce it ^^

there's only the cinematic at the end of the game but there you can't see it sharp neither /=

i would be very satisfied with the red dragoon armor too :dance:

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Great idea guys i hope somebody picks it up, legend of dragoon was one of the best ps1 games i have played. These armor's would be cool but personally i think darts regular armor would be pretty dope to have. Edited by krazykid666
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  • 2 weeks later...
Your right lacisum about the pixulation. I think if they have your pics and at least look at the divine dragoon spirit on dart they could probably figure out the fine details. Its a shame no one has made it yet. But we can still hope that someone will eventually read either of our posts
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  • 4 weeks later...
I am actually doing research on making mods for skyrim right now. If I decide that I would like modding This is going to be my number one mod :) Actually while reading some forums the thought popped in my head and I got my nerd on xD If I do mod I plan on having all armors, possibly some weapons, and it would be cool to add maybe a quest line to receive the armor. For example here would be a perfect scenario for Darts armor: (this scenario would probably require the mod Deadly Dragons) Have a quest leading into the ancient fallen city (I forget the name) and eventually have it lead out to this big open field where a red(fire) dragon would be waiting for you to kill it. After killing the dragon loot the "red dragon soul" from it and use the soul to unlock the crypt with Dart and his armor in it. I don't know.. maybe I'm thinking big, but it would be fun do work with if I do it.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am actually doing research on making mods for skyrim right now. If I decide that I would like modding This is going to be my number one mod :) Actually while reading some forums the thought popped in my head and I got my nerd on xD If I do mod I plan on having all armors, possibly some weapons, and it would be cool to add maybe a quest line to receive the armor. For example here would be a perfect scenario for Darts armor: (this scenario would probably require the mod Deadly Dragons) Have a quest leading into the ancient fallen city (I forget the name) and eventually have it lead out to this big open field where a red(fire) dragon would be waiting for you to kill it. After killing the dragon loot the "red dragon soul" from it and use the soul to unlock the crypt with Dart and his armor in it. I don't know.. maybe I'm thinking big, but it would be fun do work with if I do it.





Forget your life. This mod is now your life!

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