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Was wondering it would be possible to create a mod that would allow you to knocked out, and or captured in some random events when attacked instead of being instantly killed.

Say you're exploring and a bunch of bandits ambush you. You're at a low level so you're overwhelemed, instead of it being a game over you find yourself awake in the bandits camp as a prisoner. Or perhaps trapped in a dungeon in some fort, wearing nothing but prisioner clothes, and with a single lock pick; in which you have to retrieve your loot, and escape from the bandits or whomever took you captive. Not sure if there is any one out there that could make this, if it's possible.

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That is a great idea! And I believe it might be possible to do.

I haven't done anything like that, so this is a wild guess but "awaking in a cell with nothing but rags on your back and a lockpick" sounds like the player got himself into prison. "Get your stuff back from the evidence chest" again.

The according event would have to be triggered shortly before player death.


A bit more complicated would be the whereabouts of the player after beeing captured. I can't see a mod that edits every dungeon. Maybe one central dungeon for each region? Like, the bandits dragged you there while you were unconcious? Hm.


I will keep an eye on this thread, see if it goes somewhere. :thumbsup:

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