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Colette's Revenge: Weaknesses and Strengths of Restoration Magic


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So I have a little mod here: Revenge of Colette: New Restoration Spells


My goal here is to try and shore up Restoration's holes as a primary specialist school up until around level 40+, which is around the time the game seems to start to go bonkers balance-wise without a lot of modding. I want to do this with a minimum of new spells (because Skyrim has extremely few hotkeys) that tactically and interestingly handle the school's shortcomings, without feeling like it invalidates the lore or gameplay role of another school. That means that problems cannot be addressed through high amounts of any of the following:

- Passive, mobile defense. When Restoration has passive defenses, they are stationary; when it has mobile defenses, they are active. So, no powerful defensive self-buffs, like Alteration.

- Powerful, chainable controls. Restoration's controls are very discriminating, unlike the very broad and easy to use controls of Alteration and Illusion.

- Summoning. This is Conjuration's entire schtick.

- Direct damage. This is Destruction's entire schtick.


This means no slowing time, no teleporting, no copy-pasting a fire damage spell, putting a yellow graphic on it and calling it Bob.


I'm willing to dip into Mysticism for ideas since the Wards would seem to fit in that best, but I already know spell reflect is off of the table; it's offensive enough to be of questionable fit, and complicated enough that I wouldn't want to start it without the help of someone with more experience in modding than me.

Edited by AstralFire
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