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Texture Overwrite Question


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Sorry if this is a stupid question, I've never dabbled in the texture mods before.


I've been downloading various mods to give Skyrim a better look to it for instance Skyrim HD, W.A.T.E.R., Realistic Lighting, and have installed in that order. When installing somethings like W.A.T.E.R, after already installing Skyrim HD, text pops up asking to overwrite various things like /treebark###. I was just wondering if I should say yes to this or no.


Again, sorry if this is a stupid question, I would appreciate it if someone could just answer this for me.


Using NMM if wondering.

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First, when using texture mods, i would recommend using Mod Organizer or Wrye Bash (WB needs some knowledges).


This because they have the feature of only "virtually" overwriting stuff. They act like with esps, so you can just change the order of the mods to change the overwriting.


Returning to your question, it's really up to you. You have to test ingame the textures that are conflicting and decide wich you prefer.


If you prefer Skyrim HD ones, then don't overwrite. If not, overwrite.


Again, with Mod Organizer this problem doesn't come, since you can safely install every mod and then change their order to your tastes (wich means overwriting, but just virtually).

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