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Laas Tey Kel - Biography of the Dovahkiin


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So before I begin I just want to say that this is a mod that far surpasses my own abilities to make in a lot of respects but which I would still very much like to have a hand in making as I've, as you'll see, already got it somewhat fleshed out and I've become... well, you could say attached. Anyways.


The simple version is a mod where the player character is approached by a biographer after one or more of a number different triggers are tripped through progression of various quest lines or possibly just by level (though, while simpler, I'd prefer to avoid for various reasons). Despite the name, I wouldn't want it linked directly to the main quest line due to a lot of players not playing it when role playing a character as not Dragonborn.


This biographer, Therjar, Archivist of the Bard's College, knows all about the player's doing in-game and has already written that part, but it's the player character's life before all that which interests him.


The player can then answer a series of questions about their life leading up to the start of the game. Each answer will permanently boost a skill by a certain amount, or boost health/stamina/magicka, others might grant permanent unique "perks". Basically this allows the player to let their character's backstory shape their character.


Optionally, it would also be interesting and fun I think if the player received a copy of the final book and copies of it appeared throughout the world. The contents of the book would be dynamic reflect the player's answers to the questions and their progression and accomplishments in certain things up to that point in the game.


I've got more details and ideas, but first I want to see if anyone would even be interested in taking this on.

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