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Launching Fallout 4 twice for specific mods to work


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So I have been having to do this for awhile and I donât think it was like this when I first got F4, but when I launch F4 on Nexus and continue the game I left off thereâs about four mods that they somehow act like theyâre disabled. Its Looksmenu, MCM, Enable Achievements and Frequency voice. For example my character has red hair and green eyes that came with looksmenu so they were set to one of the default colors when I would load the saved game. I would have to quit to desktop and launch it again on Nexus load the save again and everything was back and working. ThatÃMs what Iâve been doing this whole time. So I downloaded Looksmenu Tattoo mod a few days ago and today when I launched it, twice it didnât work so I did it a third time and everything was back except for the tattoos. It took some time for me to apply the tattoos I had on my character and if I do it all over and it happens again, I donât want to have to start all over again. Everythings up to date and itâs been like this for awhile since the past updates. Edited by NFxx
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If using F4SE, you should start the game with the f4se_loader.exe file, not from NMM. The file is located in your "Fallout 4" folder.


Depending on your steam settings, even with the f4se_loader.exe, you might have to start the game twice. For F4SE to function correctly, Steam must already be running. If you have Steam always running, simply start the game with f4se_loader.exe and everything should be good. If you (like me) don't have Steam always running, start the game once, click "exit" once the startup menu appears, then start the game again.


I'd suggest creating a desktop shortcut for "f4se_loader.exe" and simply use that in the future to start the game.

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Oh probably should have mentioned it, I do use f4se_loader.exe to launch the game. I launch it from NMM, it makes a shortcut once I launched it from the Fallout 4 folder. Steam is running, always has been. I’ve never created a shortcut to desktop so I guess I’ll try that, but if it does work it seems kinda weird.
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If tattoos and other character customization features, that come from Looksmenu, disappear, the conclusion is that Looksmenu isn't working. The most common reason for this is that F4SE isn't running. That's why I focused on F4SE in my first post...


No matter how you start your game, check if F4SE is actually running. You can do that by hitting "esc" right after you started the game and going to "settings". Somewhere at the bottom of the menu you should see the version number of your game and F4SE. If there's no number, then F4SE isn't running.


If F4SE is running every time you start your game (TBH, I still doubt that), next step would be to make sure you got the latest version of Looksmenu and update or reinstall Looksmenu. Otherwise you'll have to get F4SE up and running first (same here: check for updates, maybe reinstall).

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Alright so I made a short cut to f4se loader anyway and yeah still the same have to launch it twice. So I tried the next thing which I never noticed f4se and the version number were at the bottom of settings. Restarted my computer and launched F4 (f4se launcher exe) and I checked it and the number of the version game is there v1. but f4se isnÃât. I launched the game again and this time f4se was there and the latest version number. So this was the opposite of what you said. But itÃâs probably the same thing f4se isnÃât running. But I donÃât know why when I launch it a second time it is running. Looks menu and f4se are up to date, so I guess IÃâll re download them. If it doesnÃât end up working I found another way to get around it. Like I said what I do is launch it, exit, launch it again and load the game, but when I first launch it and I go straight to continue and load the game it gives me a message saying that mods are loaded and achievements wonÃât work, thatÃâs how I know f4se isnÃât running. I donÃât get that message when I launch it a second time and everythingÃâs working.


Edit: I re downloaded Looksmenu and F4SE, same latest version I was using and yep itÃâs still the same. Got to launch it twice to work.

Edited by NFxx
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Edit: I re downloaded Looksmenu and F4SE, same latest version I was using and yep itÃâs still the same. Got to launch it twice to work.


That's what I said in my first post. It's a question of Steam already running or not. Try starting Steam "manually" before launching the game, then start Fallout 4 through F4se_loader.exe. It should work right away, without having to start the game twice. At least that's what happens on my pc. If I start Fallout directly without having Steam running, I also need to start the game twice for F4SE to work. So, I'd say that's just the way it is.

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Yep that did it. Thank you kind sir for the help. When I log in Steam updates and it says it’s running and when I launch F4 it says it’s checking for updates, running and launching so that’s why I thought it already was, but it wasn’t. Thanks again.
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